Existing backlog for the project. Scientific and technical backlog. Quarterly report of the open joint stock company of energy and electrification of the Kuban

Annex 1

The team’s scientific groundwork for the project
The authors of the project have accumulated experience in conducting this type of research. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Khakassia supported a grant for the organization of applied scientific research: sociological research on the study of professional intentions, work motivation of students in general education schools, students, graduates of primary, secondary and higher institutions vocational education located on the territory of the Republic of Khakassia” - the minutes of the meeting of the competition council dated February 17, 2011.

The head of this project, together with the performers, developed group work programs, including innovative methods work. Since 2003 ongoing consultative work (individual, family counseling) with representatives of this target audience.

All participants of the project have experience on this issue within the framework of dissertation research. A.V. Mantikova studied the value-need sphere of the personality of delinquent youth - offenders, students of vocational schools. Also, in 2011-2012. she took part in a study of markers of extremism among young people on a sample of 1000 people, is preparing a publication on this issue.
^ List of major publications

team members most closely related to the proposed project
Scientific article: Grebeshkova O.Yu. Possibilities of predicting human behavior in political research using the semantic differential method, Youth: Life in politics and politics in life: Materials of the V International Scientific Conference, Publishing House: Famous Universists, St. Petersburg, 2004. S. 60 - 64 - Russian.

Scientific article: Mantikova A.V. Based on the materials of the round table "Suicide among the youth of the Republic of Khakassia", dedicated to world day combating suicide. Ethnicities of Developing Russia: Problems and Prospects: Proceedings of the 4th Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation, Abakan, 2011- Russian.

Scientific article: Mantikova A.V. A study of youthful fears among girls who are students of KSU and recommendations for leveling youthful fears and optimizing interaction with peers among girls. Ethnicities of developing Russia: problems and prospects: Proceedings of the third international scientific-practical conference / scientific. ed. T.A. Fotekova, "Dialogue Siberia-Abakan", Abakan, 2008. P. 61 - 65 - Russian.

Abstracts of the report / speech by Komarov N.M., Psychological aspects adaptation of people to conditions market economy. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Abakan: Ed. KhSU them. Katanov, 2000 - Russian.

Scientific article: Komarova N.M. Formation of interests, inclinations and abilities for managerial professions among high school students in a general education school. Applied psychology. PV-97. M: Ed. "Master", 1997. S. 72-79 - Russian.

Scientific article: Grebeshkova O.Yu. Contradictions in the structure of personality and political activity of youth. Bulletin of Tomsk State University: Bulletin of operational scientific information. Socio-psychological problems of preserving the health of the nation in developing Russia. 2006. S. 113, 128 - Russian.

Scientific article: Komarova N.M. Motives, value orientations and their role in professional self-determination. Bulletin of KhSU named after N.F.Katanov - Abakan, 1997. Series 2: Psychology. Pedagogy / Ed. S.V. Fateev. Issue 2, 1997 - Russian.

Scientific article: Mantikova A.V. Theoretical basis formation of the value-need sphere of the personality. Ethnicities of Developing Russia: Problems and Prospects: Proceedings of the 4th Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation, Abakan, 2011- Russian.

Scientific article: Komarova N.M. To the question of the use of professional potential in a market economy. Bulletin of the Khakass Technical Institute-branch of KSTU. 2003, No. 14., 2003- Russian.

Scientific article: Mantikova A.V. Motivation for studying at a university as a factor in personality development, Psychology of the 21st century Actual problems and development trends: Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference of the conference December 17-18, 2007. Part II. / Penza branch of NOU "MNEPU", "MGOU", "PGPU" named after. V.G. Belinsky; resp. Ed. I.P. Shakhova, MNEPU Publishing House, Penza, 2007. P. 108 - 109 - Russian.

Komarova N.M. Conditions for the formation of interests, inclinations and abilities in high school students for managerial professions. Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference / ed. N.A. Agafonova - Krasnoyarsk: Publishing house of KSPU, 1997 - Russian.

Methodical development: Mantikova A.V. , Kolmakova N.V. , Psychological readiness“fully armed”: the exit of a young mother to work. Methodology of work, techniques and diagnostic tools for employees of the employment service, "ROSA", Abakan, 2010. P. 63 - 68 - Russian.

Scientific article: Mantikova A.V. , Kolmakova N.V. University graduates as potential subjects of the labor market, "Science and society: the view of young researchers": materials of the 5th scientific conference of schoolchildren and students with international participation, December 1-2, 2011, FSBEI HPE "Khakassky State University them. N.F. Katanov", Abakan, 2011. S. 14 - 15 - Russian.

Scientific article: Grebeshkova O.Yu. A study of the political activity of the youth of Khakassia. Real and virtual world of the New Millennium: Abstracts of the IV International Scientific Conference. - SPb., 2002. S. 43-45 - Russian.

As a result of the scientific research carried out within the framework of the NUG project in 2012-2013. general theoretical foundations for codification and unification in PIL were developed, which made it possible to solve the following tasks:

establish scientific approaches to the definition of the object, methods and significance of the codification and unification of PIL; trace the history of the development of these processes in the field of PIL; determine the features of international and national unification of PIL; to analyze the relationship and mutual influence of modern codification and unification processes in PIL. As a result of the study, the following statements were convincingly proven:

1. In the process of PIL codification in the 21st century, the following special types of codification can be distinguished:

  • "Step by step" codification - a type of codification, during which a single law-making, i.e. the formulation of isolated norms of PIL and the partial codification of its individual institutions are completed with the adoption of a new consolidated act of a systemic nature (Romania);
  • consolidating codification - a type of codification carried out by combining a number of legal acts dedicated to individual institutions and issues of PIL into a single agreed act with the introduction of certain novelties into the source legal material (as a rule, this is the second stage of "step-by-step" codification) (Poland, Czech);
  • Blanket codification is a type of codification based on the priority of an international unified act regulating certain cross-border private law relations by direct reference to it. A specific method of blanket codification is the preservation of an article (section) of the law, reserved for a future norm - a reference to a certain international treaty in case of its ratification (Netherlands).

Due to the fact that in the 21st century significant experience of law-making practice in PIL has already been accumulated and unified, the most effective should be recognized as consolidating and blanket codification, which explains the increasing popularity of the latter in our time.

2. inherent modern process PIL codification feature is the use (as the main method in terms of legislative technique) of international unified acts. In the 21st century, the national act of codification of PIL is a systematic presentation of domestic and international unified norms implemented in national law.

3. In the 21st century, national codifications may provide for the application of an international treaty that has not yet entered into force (for example, due to the lack of the required number of ratifications), provided that this treaty has already been ratified by the relevant state (Article 145 (2) Book 10 of the Civil Code of the Netherlands) . Thus, one of the possible functions of the blanket codification of PIL is to provide a leading unifying effect of an international legal act in the internal legal order. As a result of the use of reference, uniform norms acquire legal force in the system of national law earlier than in the system of international law.

4. At present, the principle of complexity is one of the specific principles of PIL codification. This principle means that the codification process should harmonize all issues legal regulation certain public relations. To the greatest extent, this requirement is met by an autonomous complex codification aimed at resolving conflicts of laws and jurisdictions in the widest possible area of ​​cross-border private law relations. The effectiveness of the principle of complexity directly depends on the consistency of international legal and national legal approaches to the use of the conceptual apparatus and specific mechanisms of legal regulation in PIL (autonomy of the will of the parties, the principle of closest connection, protective clauses and return referral).

5. Along with the progressive development of domestic legislation, one of the main patterns of modern community development is the deepening internationalization of law, which means the convergence of legal systems, the deepening of their interaction, mutual influence. The internationalization of law is manifested, first of all, in the process of unification of legal norms. The unification of law is the creation of identical, uniform norms in the internal law of different states, the only way the creation of which is the cooperation of states. Consequently, the unification of law means the cooperation of states aimed at creating unified legal norms in the internal law of a certain circle of states. The most striking example of the international unification of PIL in the regional aspect is European private law, the most important component of which is conflict of laws.

List of the main publications related to the chosen field of research by the head and executors of the NGO for the last three calendar years before the date of the announcement of the competition for 2012, 2013 and 2014

1. Erpyleva N.Yu., Getman-Pavlova I.V. Codification of private international law in the Republic of Georgia // International law and international organizations. 2012. No. 2. C. 44-75.

2. Erpyleva N.Yu., Getman-Pavlova I.V. Codification of the international civil process in the Republic of Georgia // State and Law. 2012. No. 10. S. 54-65.

3. Getman-Pavlova I.V. Application of foreign public law norms in private international law // International public and private law. 2013. No. 4. C. 8-12.

4. Kasatkina A.S. Modern codifications of PIL in the countries of Southeast Asia (People's Republic of China and Japan) // Law. Magazine high school economy. 2012. No. 2. S. 144-164.

5. Kasatkina A.S. Unification of conflict rules of the European Union in the field of inheritance: new approaches // Questions of jurisprudence. 2013. No. 3. S. 385-406.

6. Proshko P.V. Codification of private international law in the Netherlands // Legislation and Economics. 2013. No. 5. S. 49-54.

GOST R 57194.1-2016



General provisions

technologies transfer. General

OKS 03.100.01

Introduction date 2017-05-01


1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State budget institution"National Research Center "Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky" (FGBU "NRC "Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky"), Federal State unitary enterprise"Research Institute for Standardization and Unification" (FSUE "NIISU") and ANO "International Management, Quality and Certification" (ANO "MMKS")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 323 "Aviation Engineering"

3 APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and metrology dated October 31, 2016 N 1542-st


The rules for the application of this standard are set out in Article 26 of the Federal Law of June 29, 2015 N 162-FZ "On standardization in the Russian Federation" . Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) information index " National Standards", and the official text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also placed in information system common use- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (www.gost.ru)

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the main goals and objectives in the field of technology transfer as part of innovation activities organizations, its basic principles, and general provisions regarding the practical application of technology transfer, including establishing the concept of technology transfer and other terminology used in the field of technology transfer.

The requirements of this International Standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless of their type, size and product or service delivery.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST R ISO 9000 Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary

GOST R ISO/IEC 12207 Information technology. System and software engineering. Processes life cycle software tools

GOST R ISO/IEC 15288 Information technology. System engineering. Systems Life Cycle Processes

GOST R 55386 Intellectual property. Terms and Definitions

GOST R 56645.3 Design management systems. Innovation Management Guide

GOST R 56645.5 Design management systems. Terms and Definitions

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If an undated referenced reference standard has been replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that standard be used, taking into account any changes made to that version. If the reference standard to which the dated reference is given is replaced, then it is recommended to use the version of this standard with the year of approval (acceptance) indicated above. If, after the adoption of this standard, a change is made to the referenced standard to which a dated reference is given, affecting the provision to which the reference is given, then this provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the reference to it is given is recommended to be applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses the terms according to GOST R ISO 9000, GOST R 55386, GOST R 56645.3, GOST R 56645.5, as well as the following terms with related definitions:

3.1 innovative scientific and technical groundwork; NTZ: Promising products of intellectual activity of enterprises and organizations in the field of science and technology, critical and breakthrough technologies, the development and implementation of which in industrial production and products will lead to an increase in the efficiency of the industry and the entry into circulation of technical systems with new properties and qualities.

Note - Includes scientific backlog (NS), scientific and technical backlog (NTnZ) and scientific and technological backlog (NTlZ).

3.2 scientific and technical groundwork; NTnZ: Promising products focused on the creation of target technical system, which can be described as a hierarchical structure of products and is a mutually agreed network hierarchy of technical subsystems and components integrated into the target technical system with the help of supporting system technologies.

3.3 scientific and technological groundwork; NTlZ: A promising product focused on the creation of an enabling system that promotes a promising target technical system along its life cycle and is a mutually agreed network hierarchy of work implemented using existing or promising organizational, technical and technological mechanisms.

Note - Promotion of the target system by enabling systems along its life cycle (LC) is regulated by GOST R ISO / IEC 15288 and GOST R ISO / IEC 12207. Manufacturers of scientific and technological products - researchers, system engineers, design engineers, process engineers.

3.4 scientific backlog; NC: The result of fundamental scientific research (new knowledge about phenomena, effects, laws, regularities, etc.), not directly related to existing or promising artifacts, technical means and technologies.

Note - Forms of presentation of a scientific backlog as a commodity - research reports, articles, monographs and other sources of information in unified representations, including in archives of electronic documentation, oriented to machine processing. Manufacturers scientific products and scientific backlog - researchers.

3.5 technology passport: A document that serves to accumulate and store records of the current and previously achieved target technical system (TS) levels of technology readiness (TCA), confirmed by the results of the assessments of CTC.

Note - It also contains the results of technological audits (expertise), links to reports on research and development work (R&D), results of intellectual activity, acts of verification and validation of technical systems (TS), descriptions of specific implementations of systems, components and etc.

3.6 promising products: Products oriented to the predicted or anticipated needs of real or potential consumers.

3.7 products: The result of activity, focused on the existing (established) needs of real or potential consumers.

NOTE Often a combination of goods and services.

3.8 technical system; TS: An integral set of a finite number of interconnected material objects, which has sequentially interacting sensory and executive functional parts, a model of their predetermined behavior in the space of equilibrium stable states and is capable, while being in at least one of them (the target state), independently under normal conditions, to fulfill the conditions provided for by its design consumer features.

Note - A vehicle and its states are always considered within its life cycle.

3.9 technology: The result of scientific and technical activity, expressed in an objective form, which includes inventions, utility models, industrial designs, computer programs or other results of intellectual activity subject to legal protection in accordance with applicable law, in one or another combination, and can serve as a technological basis certain practical activities in the civil or military sphere.

Note - Includes methods and techniques for the production of goods and services, as well as their practical implementation in the form of technological processes, organizational and technical systems.

3.10 technological process: A mutually agreed network hierarchy of work performed by validated mechanisms of the enabling technical system to move the target system through its life cycle.

3.11 technical system(providing a workflow): A network hierarchy of verified mechanisms that ensure the execution of a workflow.

Note - At different stages of the life cycle can be documentation, software, technological equipment etc.

3.12 product: A type of product that can be rejected from the manufacturer and the release and consumption of which by consumers may not be coordinated, but at different points in time (asynchronously in time), direct interaction between the producer and the consumer is not required.

Note - A mandatory characteristic of the goods is the absolute value of the date and / or time (for example, the date and time of manufacture, the date of sale, etc.).

3.13 technology transfer: The process of transferring technology and related rights from the transferring party to the receiving party for the purpose of their subsequent implementation and use.

Note - Usually, as a result of some form of technology transfer, a technology that exists as a product in the form of a service that can be provided by the transferring party to the receiving party is transformed into a product that is first transferred from the transferring party to the receiving party and can later be used by the receiving party independently.

3.14 service: A type of product that cannot be rejected from the manufacturer, its release and consumption by consumers can only be carried out in concert, at the same point in time (synchronously in time), direct interaction between the producer and the consumer is required.

Note - A mandatory characteristic of the service is the relative time of interaction (for example, the duration of the service).

3.15 technology readiness level; UGT: The degree of readiness of NTZ to industrial production and operation of target technical systems, defined on the UGT scale, which has nine quality gradations from UGT1 to UGT9 (Appendix A).

Note - Compliance of a specific technology that meets the requirements of NTZ with a specific UGT is determined during a technological audit (examination) using a special questionnaire (UGT counter).

4 General provisions

4.1 Activities for the development of technology in high-tech industries, its scientific and technological support and the development in the production of fundamentally new products created on the basis of the developed technology, involve the following stages:

- conducting fundamental research that forms the NTP for creating samples innovative products;

- identification of needs in the development of new technologies as the basis for the creation of innovative products;

- generating, using the noted backlog, ideas to create fundamentally new technologies for the development of these innovative products;

- conducting applied research aimed at testing the technical feasibility of the proposed idea;

- carrying out development work, including the development of technology for innovative products, as well as the creation of a prototype of innovative products;

- development of a sample created on the basis of fundamentally new technology in production.

4.2 The stages of this activity can be carried out both completely within one organization, and by several organizations separately, independently or in cooperation of one form or another.

4.3 Technology development by several different organizations, and in large organizations- their separate structural divisions, necessarily presupposes:

- implementation of technology transfer, during which there is a transfer from one organization (transferring party) to another (receiving party) of the results of intellectual activity, completed technologies (UGT9, see Appendix A) and / or jointly developed incomplete technologies (UGT1-UGT8, see . Appendix A), as well as the creation of appropriate support systems and mechanisms ( production systems with the level of production readiness UGP1-UGP9, see Appendix A);

- related accounting, control over the use and protection of the noted results of intellectual activity (RIA);

- identifying the level of technology readiness of the transferring party, the readiness of the receiving party to use the technology, and other aspects arising from technology transfer (can be carried out during a technology audit).

4.4 The overall goal of technology transfer is the economically viable transfer of the NTK of a producer acting as a transferring party into an industrial technology operating at a consumer acting as a receiving party for subsequent commercial or non-commercial use.

4.5 Creation of complex target TS, such as aircraft, requires the coordinated application of a significant number of technologies from different manufacturers. At the early stages of creating a promising TS, it is required to determine not only the entire list of technologies required for a particular TS, but also to determine the degree of their compatibility with each other when promoting the TS along its life cycle. The degree of compatibility of technology pairs is determined by the integration readiness scale (IGI), which has nine quality gradations (IGI1-IGI9, see Appendix A). Compliance of the compatibility of technology pairs from the NTZ with a specific UGI is determined by an expert assessment.

4.6 Necessity sharing two or more technologies from different manufacturers with UGT8 or less (incomplete technology) in one TS leads to technology transfer (NTR) from one manufacturer to another. Technology transfer in this case is implemented in the form of a joint project to transfer technology from one manufacturer's CCT to the manufacturer's supporting system of another technology with CCT for compatibility testing and subsequent evaluation by UGI experts with fixation of confirming artifacts.

4.7 In order to manage the process of promoting the target TS by supporting systems along the life cycle, a generalized readiness characteristic is introduced - the level of system readiness (SAL). The system readiness level is a scale of five levels, each of which corresponds to a numerical range in the range from 0 to 1. For all ranges, the UGS values ​​are calculated from the UGT and UGI values.

4.8 The readiness levels identified for a specific technology are recorded in the technology passport. Based on the completed technology passports, their preliminary search and selection for use in the target or supporting TS can be carried out in the future.

5 Technology transfer process

5.1 General

5.1.1 The technology transfer process consists of the following steps:

- identification of the need for technology, on the one hand, and the object of sale, on the other hand;

- assessment of costs associated with the acquisition of technologies;

- information search;

- comparative analysis, readiness assessment and technology selection;

- negotiations between the seller and the buyer of technology;

- conclusion of an agreement and transfer of technology (or other result of intellectual activity);

- use of technology and monitoring of results.

5.1.2 In order to check the technological state of the organization and / or identify the level of technology readiness, technological audit. The overall goal of a technology audit is to assess the ability of an organization to introduce new technologies, work with technology partners, and form the direction of enterprise development for the most successful integration or transfer of new technologies. A technology audit can be initiated at any stage of the technology transfer process.

5.1.3 Direct technology transfer can be implemented through one or more technology transfer channels, which can be:

- purchase and sale of technologies, high-tech materials, equipment, technologies, systems;

- license agreements, agreements on technology transfer, technological documentation;

- joint research, development, production, sales high-tech products organizations and enterprises; national scientific, technical, industrial and other projects and programs;

- transfer of technology within transnational corporations, national consortia, financial and industrial groups;

- research, development, production within joint ventures with partners, including foreign ones;

- international and national scientific, technical, industrial and other projects and programs;

- cooperative activities of organizations and enterprises with the participation of research organizations, design bureaus, educational institutions leading research and development, their employees;

- transfer of documentation, samples, devices, materials and substances, computer programs, know-how, R&D results as part of marketing activities and dealer (distributor) agreements;

- lease of premises and other relationships in connection with which employees of third parties may have the potential to access technology;

- temporary stay in the laboratories of research organizations, design bureaus, educational institutions of specialists, including business travelers, trainees, graduate students, students.

5.2 Participants in the technology transfer process

5.2.1 Participants in the technology transfer process are entities that create technologies, or manufacturers, i.e. the transferring party, and subjects using ready-made technologies, or consumers, i.e. the host country, as well as, in some cases, public authorities Russian Federation and other states.

5.2.2 The following can act as entities that create technologies:

- organizations ordering the creation of technology (customers);

- investors involved in the creation of technologies;

- organizations creating technologies (performers);

- authors and co-authors (creators, inventors and their groups) of technologies;

- competing organizations that create competitive technologies based on their own developments (executors).

5.2.3 The following can act as subjects using ready-made technologies:

- organizations - owners (co-owners, right holders, including licensors and founders of management) of technologies;

- investors involved in the use of technology;

- organizations - acquirers (buyers) of technologies;

- organizations - technology licensees;

- organizations - users of technologies under commercial concession agreements;

- organizations - trust managers of technologies under trust management agreements;

- personnel [staff, employees, officials (applicants for positions, working, quitting, quitting)] organizations involved in the use of technology;

- competing organizations - owners (co-owners, copyright holders, including licensors and founders of management) of competitive technologies created on the basis of their own developments.

5.2.4 The objectives of the transfer of received native technologies for the transferring party are usually:

- deriving profit from the sale of created RIA, which the transferring party cannot bring to a higher UGT due to the fact that the organization specializes only in the initial stages of work on the creation of technology or does not have and cannot attract additional resources necessary to bring the results of intellectual activity to higher UGT;

- bringing the indicated results to a higher UGT does not correspond to the profile of activity and development strategy of the transmitting party;

- extracting additional income from the implementation of RIA, the costs for the creation of which the transferring party has already paid off and the use of which it intends to stop in the short term in connection with the transition to the use of the newly achieved RIA;

- deriving additional income from the sale of services and goods related to the transferred technologies to the organization - the purchaser of technologies (in particular, income from the sale of services for training the personnel of the specified organization, income from the supply of equipment for the production of products created based on the use of transferred technologies, etc.). P.);

- minimizing the risk of illegal use by another organization of technologies created by the transferring party;

- involvement in the work on the improvement and development of transferred technologies of the organization - the acquirer, which has scientific and technological capabilities for their improvement / development;

- providing access to the technologies necessary for the organization by mutual transfer of own technologies;

- overcoming barriers to access to foreign markets finished products created on the basis of transferred technologies;

- obtaining in one form or another control over the organization - the acquirer of RIA (starting from control specifications production of products created on the basis of the transferred results of intellectual activity, and control of profits from the sale of these products through the royalty rate and ending with the control of the activities of the organization that acquires the RIA by receiving shares of this organization as payment for the RIA transferred).

5.2.5 The purposes of acquiring third-party technologies for the receiving party are usually:

- obtaining ready-made technologies and other RIA of a high scientific and technical level required by the organization and avoiding, as a result, the risks of obtaining RIA with significantly worse characteristics when independently conducting R&D aimed at obtaining these technologies;

- reducing time and financial resources required to obtain new technologies;

- increasing the level of competence of in-house researchers/developers in carrying out R&D stages aimed at obtaining such technologies;

- bringing to the national market products created on the basis of acquired technologies, similar to imported ones; use for its implementation of the high reputation of the organization that transferred the relevant RIA, and a decrease in the volume of imports of similar foreign-made products;

- bringing products created on the basis of acquired technologies to foreign markets and deriving income from their exports.

5.2.6 The acquisition of third-party technologies for the receiving party is associated with risks:

- purchases of obsolete (obsolete) technology that does not have market prospects in the future;

- falling into technological dependence on an organization - a technology supplier or other RIA.

5.3 Functions of participants in the technology transfer process in terms of accounting, control and protection of technologies

5.3.1 The mandatory functions of the transferring and receiving parties in the implementation of technology transfer include: accounting for transferred/received technologies, control over the use of transferred/received technologies, protection of transferred/received technologies.

5.3.2 Accounting for transferred/received technologies should ensure the prompt provision of reliable updated data on the transfer/acquisition of technologies by this organization, including data on the total number of transferred/acquired technologies, distribution of this quantities by years of transfer / acquisition and other aspects of interest to them in order to:

- control and analysis of compliance of the actual state and development trends in the field of technology transfer/acquisition and other RIA with the organization's targets in this area;

- revealing, as a result of their results, phenomena and trends in the field of transfer/acquisition of technologies and other RIA that do not meet the interests of the organization, as well as insufficiently used opportunities in this area;

- making reasonable management decisions to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the transfer/acquisition of technologies and other RIA.

5.3.3 Control over the use of transferred technologies should allow the transferring party to monitor the observance by the recipient organization of technologies and other RIA of its contractual obligations to use the technologies provided to it, to prevent its violation of these obligations and to prevent damage to the transferring party, respectively, from providing its technologies to the receiving party.

5.3.4 Control of the use of acquired technologies should allow the receiving party to monitor the effectiveness of the use of acquired technologies and take prompt measures to eliminate the facts of inefficient use of acquired technologies.

5.3.5 The protection of transferred technologies should ensure the prevention of damage to the transferring party:

- premature disclosure of the essence of such technologies to the receiving party and, accordingly, the loss of the latter's interest in acquiring these technologies;

- illegal disclosure of the essence of the noted technologies to organizations not involved in the transfer/acquisition of the relevant technologies.

5.3.6 The protection of acquired technologies should ensure that the organization that acquires technologies and other RIA complies with its contractual obligations to protect the technologies it has acquired.

Annex A (mandatory). Typical scales used to assess the level of technology readiness

Annex A

Table A.1 - Model scales used to assess the level of technology readiness

Technology readiness scale (TGR)

A system of indicators that determine the levels of technology readiness at various stages of their development, including the following levels:

UGT2. A technological concept and / or possible applications of possible concepts for promising objects are formulated. The necessity and possibility of creating a new technology or technical solution that uses physical effects and phenomena that confirmed the UGT1 level are substantiated. The validity of the concept, technical solution is confirmed, the efficiency of using the idea (technology) in solving applied problems is proved on the basis of preliminary study at the level of computational research and modeling.

UGT3. Analytical and experimental confirmations of the most important functionality and/or characteristics of the chosen concept are given. A computational and/or experimental (laboratory) substantiation of the effectiveness of technologies has been carried out, and the efficiency of the concept of a new technology has been demonstrated in experimental work on small-scale models of devices. At this stage, the projects also provide for the selection of works for further development of technologies.

The selection criterion is the demonstration of the operation of the technology on small-scale models or using computational models that take into account key features technology being developed, or the effectiveness of using an integrated set of new technologies in solving applied problems based on a more detailed study of the concept at the level of experimental developments in key areas, detailed complex computational studies and modeling.

UGT4. Components and/or layouts have been lab tested. The operability and compatibility of technologies are demonstrated on sufficiently detailed mock-ups of the devices (objects) being developed in the laboratory.

UGT5. Components and/or layouts of subsystems have been verified under conditions close to real. The main technology components are integrated with suitable other ("support") elements and the technology is tested under simulated conditions. The level of intermediate/full scales of the developed systems has been reached, which can be studied on bench equipment and under conditions close to natural conditions. They do not test prototypes, but only detailed layouts of the devices being developed.

UGT6. The model or prototype of the system/subsystem is demonstrated under conditions close to real. The system/subsystem prototype contains all the details of the devices being developed. The feasibility and effectiveness of technologies in natural or close to natural conditions and the possibility of integrating the technology into the layout of the design being developed, for which this technology must demonstrate operability, have been proven. A full-scale development of the system is possible with the implementation of the required properties and performance level.

UGT7. The prototype system was demonstrated in operational conditions. The prototype reflects the planned full-time system or is close to it. At this stage, the issue of the possibility of using a holistic technology at the facility and the feasibility of launching the facility into mass production is decided.

UGT8. A regular system has been created and certified (qualified) through tests and demonstrations. The technology has been tested for performance in its final form and under expected operating conditions as part of a technical system (complex). In most cases, this UGT corresponds to the end of the development of the original system.

UGT9. The operation of a real system under real operating conditions is demonstrated. The technology is ready for mass production

Scale of production readiness levels (UGP)

A model for assessing the level of readiness of production technologies, within which the following main levels are distinguished:

UGP1. Conclusions are drawn regarding the basic production needs.

UGP2. The concept of production is defined.

UGP3. Production concept confirmed.

UGP4. Achieved manufacturing capability technical means in laboratory conditions.

UGP5. Achieved the possibility of manufacturing prototypes of system components in the appropriate production conditions.

UGP6. Achieved the ability to manufacture prototypes of systems and subsystems in the presence of ready-made elements of the main production (industrial equipment, qualified personnel, tool or technological equipment, processing methods, materials, etc.).

UGP7. Achieved the possibility of manufacturing systems, subsystems or their components in conditions close to real, and with completed design calculations.

UGP8. A pilot production line has been tested, readiness for the start of small-scale production has been achieved.

UGP9. The possibility of small-scale production has been successfully demonstrated, the basis for full-scale production has been prepared.

UGP 10. Full-scale production with the participation of subcontractors is established

Integration Readiness Scale (IGO)

Model for a holistic assessment of UGT, taking into account the integration of technologies:

UGI1. The interaction of technologies at the UGT1 level has been established.

UGI2. The interface of interaction of technologies on UGT2 is defined. A study of technology options was carried out.

UGI3. The effective interaction of technologies at UGT3 has been determined.

UGI4. A sustainable integration of technologies in laboratory conditions at UGT4 was carried out.

UGI5. Established management and completed technology integration at UGT5 level.

UGI6. The ability to integrate technologies is confirmed in real conditions.

UGI7. The possibility of system integration has been verified in detail in real conditions.

UGI8. The possibility of technology integration has been verified by tests and demonstrations.

UGI9. Integration capability tested in the application

System Availability Scale (SHA)

Holistic Evaluation Model for PGM:

UGS1. The initial concept of the system has been improved, a system/technology development strategy has been developed.

UGS2. Technology risks have been reduced and a suitable set of technologies has been identified for integration into a complete system.

UGS3. A system has been developed or its capabilities have been improved, integration and production risks have been reduced, operational support mechanisms have been implemented, logistics have been optimized, a user interface has been implemented, production has been designed, and critical information has been made available and protected. System integration, interaction with it, safety and usefulness are demonstrated.

UGS4. Achieved operating parameters that meet the needs of users.

UGS5. The system is supported in the most efficient form of work throughout the life cycle

UDC 658.513.5:006.354

OKS 03.100.01

Keywords: technology transfer, technology audit, technology readiness level, receiving party, transferring party

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2016

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Application No. 1
to provide

part of the cost of creating

production of priority
electronic components and
radio electronic equipment

determining the rating of applications submitted by Russian organizations for the competition for the right to receive subsidies from the federal budget to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical reserve for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment

1. This methodology determines the rating of applications submitted by Russian organizations for a competition for the right to receive subsidies from the federal budget to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical reserve for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment (hereinafter, respectively - organizations, competition, subsidy ), based on the criteria provided for by the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget Russian organizations to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical reserve for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of February 17, 2016 No. 109 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organizations to reimburse part of creation of a scientific and technical reserve for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment".

The share of the rating awarded i-th application according to the criterion regarding the number of newly created and modernized high-tech jobs as part of the implementation of a comprehensive project, the significance of which is 10 percent;

The share of the rating awarded to the i-th application according to the criterion relating to the ratio of the amount of subsidy and the amount of borrowed and (or) own funds, planned to be attracted for the implementation of a comprehensive project, the significance of which is 20 percent;


Proposal of the i-th participant of the tender on the volume of sales of import-substituting or innovative products that will be created during the implementation of a comprehensive project (million rubles);

The minimum volume of sales of import-substituting or innovative products that will be created during the implementation of a comprehensive project established in the tender documentation (million rubles);

The maximum volume of sales of import-substituting or innovative products that will be created during the implementation of a comprehensive project announced by one of the participants in the competition (million rubles).


Proposal of the i-th participant of the competition in terms of the number of created and modernized high-tech jobs (pieces);

The minimum number of created and modernized high-tech jobs, established in the tender documentation (pieces);

The maximum number of high-tech jobs created and modernized, declared by one of the participants in the competition (pieces).

5. The rating awarded to the i-th application according to the criterion regarding the ratio of the amount of the subsidy and the amount of borrowed and (or) own funds planned to be attracted for the implementation of the complex project () is determined by the formula:


Proposal of the i-th participant of the tender on the ratio of the amount of the subsidy and the amount of borrowed and (or) own funds planned to be attracted for the implementation of the complex project;

The initial (maximum) amount of the ratio of the amount of the subsidy and the amount of borrowed and (or) own funds planned to be attracted for the implementation of the complex project, established in the tender documentation.

Proposal of the i-th participant of the tender on the number of received patents and (or) secrets of production (know-how) (pieces);

The maximum number of received patents and (or) production secrets (know-how), declared by one of the participants in the competition (pieces).


Proposal of the i-th participant of the tender on the period of implementation of the complex project (months);

The initial (maximum) term for the implementation of a complex project, established in the tender documentation (months).

Proposal of the i-th participant of the competition on the experience of implementing a similar complex project (pieces);

The largest number of completed similar works declared by one of the participants of the competition (pieces).

Proposal of the i-th participant of the competition in terms of the volume of exports of products (thousand US dollars);

The largest volume of exports of products declared by one of the participants in the competition (thousand US dollars).

Application No. 2
to provide
from the federal budget subsidies
Russian organizations for reimbursement
part of the cost of creating
scientific and technical background on
development of basic technologies
production of priority
electronic components and
radio electronic equipment

the amount of penalties applied to Russian organizations that received subsidies from the federal budget to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical reserve for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment

1. The amount of penalties (thousand rubles) (A) is determined by the formula:


The achieved value of the i-th indicator (indicator) of the effectiveness of the implementation of the integrated project specified in the subsidy agreement, as of the end date of the implementation of the integrated project;

The planned value of the i-th indicator (indicator) of the effectiveness of the implementation of the integrated project specified in the subsidy agreement;

The share of the rating of the application, determined in accordance with the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organizations to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical reserve for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and electronic equipment, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of February 17, 2016. No. 109 "On approval of the Rules for granting subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organizations to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical reserve for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment", according to the corresponding i-th indicator;

V - the amount of federal budget funds used by the organization as part of the implementation of a complex project at the end of the implementation period of such a project (thousand rubles).

2. The amount of penalties is proportional to the degree of non-achievement of indicators (indicators) of the effectiveness of the implementation of a comprehensive project within the framework of subprograms state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry for 2013 - 2025" specified in the subsidy agreement.

Document overview

Russian organizations of the electronic and radio-electronic industry are provided with subsidies from the federal budget to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical reserve for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment. We are talking about the costs of paying for work under R & D contracts in connection with the implementation of a comprehensive project, for the manufacture of prototypes, mock-ups and stands, the production of a pilot series of products and its testing, certification and (or) registration, etc.

The procedure for allocating funds has been established.

Subsidies are provided within the framework of subprograms of the state program of Russia for the development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry for 2013-2025. Funds are allocated to organizations that have passed the competitive selection for complex projects, the implementation period of which does not exceed 5 years. Wherein total cost of the project and the maximum annual subprogram subsidies are as follows. For telecommunications equipment - up to 1.5 billion rubles. and not more than 300 million rubles, for computer equipment - up to 2.5 and not more than 400, for special technological equipment - up to 2 and not more than 300, for intelligent control systems - up to 1 billion rubles. and not more than 200 million rubles.

Competitive selection of projects is carried out in 2 stages. First - scientific and technical evaluation of projects expert council created by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia. The second is the evaluation of the projects that have passed the scientific and technical examination by the competitive commission of the Ministry according to a number of criteria. The main ones are the volume of production and sales of import-substituting or innovative products, the number of newly created high-tech jobs, the number of patents and (or) production secrets (know-how), the implementation period of a complex project and the volume of exports of created products.

Yuri Nikolayevich, NPO Saturn annually increases production volumes, and the design department, like other departments of the enterprise, is faced with the task of ensuring efficient production of serial products. At the same time, we are talking about the fact that we must not forget about creating a powerful scientific and technical reserve, about "preparing for the future." What caused such a need? And what is NTZ?

NPO Saturn has set itself the task of being efficient enterprise not only in the short term, but also in the next 30-50 years or more. NPO Saturn operates in a knowledge-intensive field, and in order to remain a competitive enterprise, we need to prepare for the future today, otherwise the market will be occupied by other suppliers. That is why the creation of a scientific and technical reserve (NTP) is something we must constantly work on, work efficiently, despite the ever-increasing volume of marketable products.

What is OKB? These are the people who are responsible for the "life" of the design of gas turbine engines, from the idea to its implementation at the NTZ stage, they are responsible for carrying out development work, manufacturing the first serial engine, supporting serial products in production and operation. OKB is the perspective of the enterprise.

What is a scientific and technical backlog? These are innovative solutions, design schemes, technologies that must be developed and experimentally tested before the start of R&D.

Prior to the start of the development work on SaM146, an NTZ in the region was formed at our enterprise numerical simulation the most complex physical processes: aerodynamics, thermal state, strength, as well as the technology of end-to-end design/manufacturing based on 3D CAD/CAM systems. A difficult path was passed, in which not only the Design Bureau, but also almost all departments of the enterprise participated: the chief engineer, director of information technology, director of production, etc. For example, the creation of a scientific and technical reserve only on numerical methods of gas dynamics required more than 15 years. First there was an idea. It is not enough to be able to experimentally verify what we have received, it is necessary to predict numerically at the design stage: what will we get? We began to deal with numerical methods of gas dynamics: from simple, one-dimensional, to the most complex, three-dimensional, taking into account the non-stationarity of gas-dynamic processes. At first we just learned to count. Then we learned to count in such a way that what we count corresponded to what we then experimentally obtain. After that, from the methodological task - to learn how to do - it was necessary to learn how to do it quickly, so as to fit into the design process. It took us more than three months when we first began to count, it was in the late 90s, in order to simulate the flow of gas in the interblade channel of the turbine. And that meant: we can count. But it was not enough to design. Those calculations that were previously done for months are now performed up to a thousand a day. This result was preceded by a whole range of works, from improving the calculation methods and computing tools to the formation of specialists who think differently, who understand that the risks that are not verified at the design stage will manifest themselves a hundredfold when the engine is refined. It's just small example technical backlog, the results of which we are already using today.

In the early 2000s, we formed a list of NTZs, which gave us the opportunity to create SaM146 and implement other projects. Much of that list has been implemented, in terms of design, in terms of industrial manufacturing technologies. In 2007, we rethought the creation of the NTZ in a new way and began to manage the creation of the NTZ as a separate project.

Today we, Saturn, are able not only to design, but also to manufacture the most complex elements gas turbine engine. For example, a unicycle with a diameter of about one meter, with a complex spatial profiling of the blades and contours of the flow path.

We are actively working on the introduction of prototyping technologies, when parts can be grown in a special installation according to a mathematical model. Prototyping technologies allow you to immediately grow metal parts that are comparable in properties to parts obtained by casting. We have modern technologies allowing us to organize and successfully carry out Saturn's promising programs. In 2012, we qualitatively updated the NTZ program in the interests of the future of NPO Saturn. We hold a scientific and technical council of the enterprise, approved the main projects of the program for the creation of NTZ. Among the main projects, work on the development and application of parts made of composite materials in the design of promising engines should be noted.

I emphasize that it is important not only to occupy your niche in the range of products that are sold on the market today, it is important to create a reserve for their development. We work on the global market with very serious players such as Safran, General Electric, Rolls-Royce and others.

How much has the ideology of the existence of the design bureau of NPO Saturn changed in the context of the company's entry into the UEC, State Corporation Rostekhnologii?

Again, we do not live in isolation. There are market demands, such as greater mobility through aviation, while we have to have less and less impact on environment, the market is waiting for new types of energy. These are global strategic tasks. These tasks are dictated by the market, put by the Ministry of Industry and Trade before the Russian Technologies State Corporation, OPK Oboronprom, and the United Engine Corporation. And due to the fact that NPO Saturn is part of the UEC, and our design bureau is the basic design bureau of the UEC, these tasks are directly facing our design bureau.

Today, together with UEC, we are working on the creation of 22 critical technologies, which by 2020-2025 should not only eliminate the backlog of UEC from Western companies, but also ensure superiority in the market. This is not only the creation of new technologies, it is the formation of a system for the creation of NTZ.

We are working with industry institutions such as TsAGI, CIAM, VIAM, we are working with university science, we are working to eliminate the “brain drain” from Russia to the West. Today we are already attracting specialists who have gone to work abroad so that they can start working for our industry again. And these functions - including those of our design bureau as the base design bureau of the United Engine Corporation.

We participate in the formation of UEC programs, we often oppose, defending the position of Saturn. For example, in terms of the fact that it is not enough to occupy a market niche due to the SaM146 engine. It may seem that the goal has been achieved, we have occupied our niche in the market. But our task is to be the first in our segment. To do this, it is necessary, on the one hand, to work to improve its characteristics, and on the other hand, to reduce its cost in production. We must be attractive to the customer, and therefore, improve and support the customer in operation. This is a serious set of tasks, and one of the important components of this complex: the customer must know that our engine will be improved. Every year it will be better, more reliable, with the necessary resource for the customer and meeting the needs of expanding the range of its work. For example, engine approval for operating conditions in the Mexican highlands. Or another example, a possible proposal for GSS, for SSJ NG for 115-130 people. Due to what this can be achieved - an increase in thrust of the SaM146. And we are obliged to have our own solution in the interests of the customer, how can this be ensured. From the point of view of technology, design bureaus should always have an answer to a potential customer question. We are working on this and will continue to work on it.