Landing page - what is it? Full description with examples

Today, a simple page on the Internet, made in a few days, can wipe its nose at a large site in which a lot of money has been invested, simply because it shows a clear proposal for the target audience. It's all about a high-quality, targeted offer that we create with the help of a landing page. What is a landing page? - you ask. Let me tell you.

What is Landing Page?

Landing page (from English landing page - landing page)- a site that consists of one page, sharpened for one action: get a contact or sell a product / service. Such a site is also called a landing or selling page, a landing page, a one-page page, a landing page, a lead magnet.

The principle of the landing page is “Buy or die” - buy or die, in a figurative sense of course =) Buy / leave your contacts or leave. Due to the fact that the visitor's choice is small and the page is tailored for one product / service, the conversion is higher than that of multi-page sites.

Landing page is a tool for attracting customers. But just creating such a site is not enough, a landing page is one tool from a chain of contacts with a potential client.

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What can be the key action for a landing page?

1. Get contact

Using the application form. You can request: name, e-mail, phone number or any other data that you need to get the necessary information about the client.

There is a rule: the fewer fields in the form, the more chances that the visitor will fill it out. Therefore, for the first contact, you can request a minimum of information, for example, "name and email" or "name and phone number", and when you write or call a potential client, ask for the rest of the necessary data.

2. Sell

On the landing page, you can immediately sell products, usually such products from a low price category - up to 2000-3000 rubles. This applies to pages that sell to a cold audience head-on, for example, goods from China (wallets, glasses, headphones, etc.) are sold in this way.

If the product / service is more expensive, then the sale is carried out through successive points of contact with the client, for example, in the info business, this is done through email distribution, in offline business through personal meetings or a call center.