Does rosin conduct electricity? Use of fluxes for soldering. What is rosin made of?

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Rosin for soldering certainly occupies a worthy place among the tools of a home craftsman. At all times, with any development of the service or its complete absence, there are people with bright heads and skillful hands, who love and know how to do many things on their own. A prominent place in the processes of applying skill is given to soldering during the installation and repair of electronic circuits, low-current electrical contacts and other work to create permanent connections that do not require high strength.

Appointment of rosin

Before describing the purpose of rosin, it is necessary to explain how soldering differs from welding:

  • In the process of welding, the edges of the parts to be joined are melted, the liquid phases are mixed and, solidifying, form an integral connection.
  • When soldering, the parts to be joined remain in a solid state, and only the metal used for the connection is melted - solder. The molten solder spreads along the joined edges and, when solidified, forms an inseparable joint.

For guaranteed quality, the edges of the fastened parts must be well wetted with solder. This is achieved by cleaning them from oxides and contaminants with the help of fluxes - in this case, rosin.

What is rosin? Regulations

Rosin is a solid glassy substance. It is amorphous, that is, it does not have a clearly defined melting point, but gradually softens when heated. The onset of softening occurs, depending on the species and variety, at approximately 55 - 70 ºC.

Rosin is an integral part of the resin of coniferous trees. There are several ways to get it:

  • Evaporate volatiles from crude resin;
  • Extract with organic solvents from sawdust;
  • Distill tall oil, which is a waste product of paper production.

The quality of rosin in Russia is regulated by two regulatory documents GOST 19113-84 "Pine rosin" and GOST 14201-83 "Tall oil rosin".

The rosin obtained from the resin is somewhat more refractory - the softening point is approximately 5 times higher and more acidic - 5-10 mg KOH per 1 g of product more. Tall rosin is lighter than pine rosin, but the color is very dependent on the variety, that is, on the degree of purification from impurities.

Retail rosin usually comes in round metal boxes. But it can also be sold as part of a finished solder - tin-based alloy tubes filled with rosin.

How to solder with rosin

In general terms, the soldering process includes the following operations:

  1. Mechanical cleaning of the surfaces to be joined;
  2. Heating the tip of the soldering iron;
  3. Heating of connected surfaces;
  4. Treatment of the sting with rosin;
  5. Surface treatment with rosin;
  6. Tip coating with solder (tinning);
  7. Connection of parts and solder coating of the joint and adjacent areas.
  8. Connection cooling.

Now more about each operation?

  • Rosin is able to dissolve oxide films and partially reduce them to metal. If the surface of the parts to be joined is not covered with visible dirt, this operation can be skipped. It is necessary when impurities or oxides cover the surface so much that they prevent it from being wetted by molten rosin and then by solder.
  • Previously, it was mentioned that the temperature of the beginning of the softening of rosin in the region of 55 - 70ºC. But in order to reliably cover the soldering iron tip and the parts to be joined, it must be heated to 100 - 130ºC. The criterion for a sufficient tip temperature is its free penetration into an array of solid rosin with the appearance of a light haze.
  • The need to heat the surfaces to be joined depends very much on their dimensions. If thin wires are to be soldered, you can skip this operation. It must be understood that on a cold surface, rapid cooling and solidification of rosin and solder will occur. As a result, it will not be possible to achieve the dissolution of oxides with rosin and sufficient spreading of the solder. Therefore, before starting soldering, it is necessary to evaluate whether it is possible to warm up the parts already in the process of fluxing or whether this should be done beforehand.
  • If the soldering iron is used for the first time or has not been used for a long time, you can walk along the sting with a metal brush or fine sandpaper. But this is required in the most advanced cases. Usually it is enough to heat it up and treat it with rosin, and then cover it with a layer of tin - tin it. Now the sting is ready to go.

If there was a short break in work, and the sting remained covered with solder, tinning is not required, just heat it up and dip it in rosin.

  • Next, prepare the surface of the parts for soldering. As already mentioned, it may be necessary to heat the butt surfaces of the parts to be joined. This is determined by their massiveness and the size of the soldering iron tip. If the tip is more massive than the parts, you can do without preheating before soldering, but produce it directly in the process of processing parts with rosin.

We fix the surfaces to be joined in the position in which they will be mounted, heat if necessary, process with flux and then apply molten solder. Using the tip of the soldering iron, we help it spread over the joint and adjacent areas, let the joint cool.

The soldering process is completed.

Soldering with rosin

In this form, the solder rod is a tin-lead alloy tube wound into a coil, inside of which there is rosin. When soldering, it is used as a filler material. The parts to be joined are heated with a soldering iron, and then the end of the rod is inserted into the soldering zone, and the junction is tinned with joint movements of the tip and additives.

The melting flux and solder cover the joint at the same time, reducing the process time. In this way, it is possible to solder parts in cases that do not require preliminary surface preparation.

Soldering iron selection

The issue of choosing a soldering iron is not accidentally considered after a detailed review of the features of the soldering process. Its power and size of the tip are directly dependent on what needs to be soldered. Earlier it was said that for high-quality soldering of large parts, they may need to be preheated, and you need to choose a powerful tool with a massive copper tip. At the same time, for soldering thin wires in the depth of electronic components, excess heat is not needed, a thin tip is enough, which is convenient for soldering in a limited space.

Soldering Safety Considerations

The soldering process is accompanied by a number of harmful factors. The first of these is the contamination of the respiratory zone. Rosin smoke, inevitably emitted during soldering, tin and lead vapors are allergens and carcinogens. A room intended for soldering, even amateur soldering, must be well ventilated.

The next factor is the danger of electric shock. To obtain a permit for soldering, workers at enterprises must have an electrical safety group 2. Before starting soldering at home, you should at least visually verify that the soldering iron and socket are working.

Fire danger. For tools and the soldering process, it is necessary to use stands made of non-combustible heat-insulating material.


This article discusses the most characteristic features of soldering processes using rosin. But for learning any craft and soldering, including, theory must be inextricably intertwined with practice. Only then can everything said be of real benefit in mastering the skill.

Failure of an electrical appliance leads to its repair. The main causes of breakdowns in modern technology are failed boards, capacitors, and other products, which are fastened by soldering. With certain skills, a home master can repair the device on his own, but this will require related raw materials. Soldering takes place using solder, an electric soldering iron.

What is rosin

Flux in the solid state is a brittle amphora substance, consisting of pieces of a vitreous type. What rosin is made of is produced by cleaning the resins of coniferous plants with special chemical reactions. Soldering rosin is used to resist oxidative processes that can destroy the connection during operation, resistant to loss of chemical properties when exposed to high temperatures.

The composition of rosin allows you to securely connect metals by soldering.

The liquid state when heated contributes to the spreading of the material over the elements of the desired shape. Before you know what rosin is for, it is important to understand the chemical properties of the composition. The raw material from which the resin is made has the properties of a dielectric, but this does not affect the ability of the connection to transmit electric current.

Download GOST 19113-84 "Pine rosin"

In the field of radio repair, rosin is the most affordable flux option. Some beginners who do not have experience in soldering do not realize what rosin is and use it everywhere. With this approach, it is possible to make a mistake, because the product does not apply to all types of connections. Basically, the product is used at home, with infrequent work, because the flux has an unlimited shelf life by simple execution.

How to get

Varieties of rosin come from the method of obtaining, composition and physical condition. The main differences in the methods of production are the substances from which the composition is extracted.

The material is divided into three categories, gum, tall and extraction resin for soldering.

  1. Gum rosin is produced by processing the resin of coniferous trees, the main plant is pine, due to availability and prevalence. The main distinguishing point is the absence of fatty acids, the use of which is not available in some works.
  2. The extraction base is produced by extracting gasoline and the main component - the share of pine wood. Differs in lower temperature softening threshold, dark color. The melting point starts from 52 degrees, the acid number varies from 145 to 175. The presence of fatty acids in the composition is 10%, if the substance is chemically clarified, it will be more like a gum substance.
  3. Sulphate pulp production produces a by-product - tall rosin. It is divided into several varieties according to quality and purpose, a method of obtaining from sulfate soap. More expensive varieties are not inferior in properties to a natural product.

A detailed acquaintance with the base of the craft leads to the conclusion that it belongs to the category of fluxes. In the case when the desired item is not at hand, you can use a welding drill.

Types of solder rosin

The implementation of rosin occurs in a diluted and pure form. Purified raw materials exist in the form of sticks or pieces. Liquid-type fluxes are more expensive and difficult to manufacture. The simplest version is alcohol-containing, consisting of a solution of rosin and alcohol, diluted in almost equal proportions. This solution does not cause reactions during use, prevents corrosion and does not conduct electricity.

Making an alcohol solution can be done at home. It is important to follow the sequence of actions:

  • Ethyl alcohol is needed in small quantities, with a strength of at least 70 °. You can find it in a pharmacy or places where similar products are sold.
  • Gum rosin is crushed to a sandy state with a mortar, after which alcohol must be added in a ratio of 70 to 30.
  • In the absence of alcohol on hand, it is possible to use a similar solvent, such as gasoline or acetone. It is necessary to add the softened substance in small portions, stirring until completely dissolved.

A more modern solution model has glycerin instead of alcohol. Cooking takes place in the same way, this material is more convenient to use. It can be directly applied to parts to be soldered and has a more solid form relative to the solution. Some solders are already sold with a ready-made flux in the middle of the wire. The option is convenient for actions, however, the high price and the absence of small trade currents can lead to the exploitation of tall rosin.

Pine rosin has the following characteristics:

  • The boiling point starts from 250 °C, depending on the composition and added impurities.
  • Softening occurs at the threshold of 52-72 °C.
  • The thermal conductivity of the element is 0.1 kcal/m, the calorific value is 9100 kcal/kg.
  • The expansion in the molten state is equal to the coefficient of 0.05, the acid number is from 145 to 175.

The main type of material is a transparent colophon resin, applied in a solid state, has a light yellow tint. The basis for high-quality production of products is abietic acid, which occupies a large share in the composition of the substance.

Low-temperature flux, used with low-melting solders, the melting point does not allow the use of rosin when working with solid soldering elements. The main properties are determined by the composition and method of preparation, even expensive varieties are not highly active.

The product in inexperienced hands can be used several times.

Rosin has the relative advantage of being more spreadable, whereby exposure to low temperatures can securely place the material in place. This property allows work in hard-to-reach places, helps to remove oxidized deposits from the surface of the repaired product. The liquid substance spreads or is applied to the product in advance, thereby working without thermal effects. Properties may differ by the presence of chemical additives. The melting point of rosin starts at 52 ° C, regardless of brand.

The main component of a quality product is abietic acid of hydrochloric type, with a ratio of 60 to 90%. The amount of acid is determined by the destination, more expensive brands have a high content of rosin. The basis for natural varieties is about 20% neutral substances, the amount of chemical acids reaches up to 10% by applying a certain production method. Liquid varieties are composed of diluent, ether, alcohol, gasoline, etc.

The use of rosin

Before using rosin, it is important to understand that it is not possible to use it with refractory solders. The boiling point is 250 °C, in this state the substance evaporates. Flux determines auxiliary raw materials, with the help of which the surface is cleaned of oxidation, dirt and other unsatisfactory effects during soldering.

The composition and properties of rosin make it possible to dissolve various oxides, consisting of copper, tin, or lead, when heated.

Due to the characteristic feature of cleaning from oxides, it is used for cleaning metal during soldering. The product is often used at home, on production lines, solder is used with the addition of a flux to the composition.

The most common soldering method with colophon resin is:

  • the soldering iron is prepared for work by heating to operating temperature;
  • a low-melting substance is placed at the end of the tip of the tool, it is used by the quality of the solder, usually consists of a cast with lead with the addition of zinc, cadmium or bismuth;
  • together with the substance, the soldering iron is lowered into the flux, the characteristic smoke indicates the reaction produced, the process takes place as quickly as possible, before evaporation.

The method is used in the presence of a certain experience; during work, some difficulties may arise for inexperienced craftsmen.

Rosin soldering technique

Any work can be facilitated with the use of certain products, soldering materials is no exception. For work, you need the basis of liquid flux - ethyl alcohol. Production is possible on our own, it is enough to grind the product and mix it with a solvent.

The liquid solution allows you to penetrate to hard-to-reach places, is applied directly to the area of ​​​​the object.

  1. The application is carried out with a brush or a toothpick, after which the soldering iron is prepared.
  2. Solder is applied to the heated soldering iron in the right quantities, depending on the size of the connection. A large amount of solder can touch adjacent contacts, which will disrupt the operation of the repaired device.
  3. The distribution of the solder is even, a reliable connection can be achieved by pressing the element to the board with a little effort.
  4. After lowering the temperature, flux residues are removed, because. it can spread over adjacent parts and disrupt electrical conductivity.

This method is more convenient, it helps to connect even small parts. The soldering iron is used depending on the connection, the temperature regime is selected from the melting parameters of the solder.

Main advantages

Each material has certain advantages and disadvantages, rosin has proven itself in soldering operations for many years, and is still used today. The main advantages of the material:

  • Dielectric properties help to avoid unnecessary contacts on the solder surface.
  • Affordable price compared to analogues, available for free sale in any retail outlets of radio electronics.
  • The soldering process using the product can be carried out regardless of the environment, humidity level, air temperature.
  • The properties of the product are protected from exposure to moisture, dousing with a long shelf life.
  • Prevents the formation of rust deposits on metal structures, degreases the product.

It is allowed to use a natural product without personal protective equipment, due to the lack of toxicity. The process of use is not difficult, you can make your own necessary concentration and appearance for convenient work.

Negative sides

Cons can be noted several factors that prevent the use of the material in certain situations.

  1. In the absence of experience, low elementa activity may require additional treatment. The use requires some skill to reduce the processing time.
  2. Hyperscopicity may prevent the substance from releasing visible vapor during processing, which will lead to corrosion of the joint in the subsequent time.
  3. Application to nodes of small size, a certain composition of metals is available. The product is applied to simple metals, other types of fluxes are used to process large compounds.
  4. The fragile construction of the material can cause problems during transportation. Easily crumbles under mechanical stress.

There are other types of fluxes that actively interact with the metal. Such elements interact with metal, consist of zinc chloride, or ammonium. After soldering, the substance is removed from the product as much as possible, because. corrosion processes are possible. Neutral substances such as rosin do not interact with metal and do not conduct electricity.

Rosin is an amorphous, glassy substance. The color of rosin varies from light yellow to dark red and brown.

According to the chemical composition, rosin is a mixture of various isomers of resin acids, mainly abietic.

Soluble in most organic solvents: alcohol, chloroform, acetone, benzene, etc. Insoluble in water. The melting point of rosin depends on the feedstock and varies from fifty to one hundred and thirty degrees Celsius.

What is rosin made from?

As a raw material for the manufacture of rosin, pine resin is used - resin. Fresh pine resin contains approximately seventy-five percent rosin, the remaining twenty-five is turpentine. The process of making rosin consists in evaporating the volatile components of resin. Also for the manufacture of rosin, the extraction of crushed wood with organic solvents and the distillation of crude tall oil can be used. Depending on the technology of preparation, rosin is called pine or tall oil. The most common is pine and spruce rosin, which will be discussed in this article.

The use of rosin in soldering

Rosin is used in various fields: for sizing paper products, for the production of synthetic rubber, various plastics and rubbers, artificial leather, mastics, varnishes, etc. But we are interested in the use of rosin as a flux for soldering. We can say that it is she who is the most famous flux. Most readers probably know her smell.

The answer to the question "why do you need rosin?" can be obtained by looking up soldering flux in any dictionary.

It serves several purposes: to remove the oxide film from the surface of the soldered parts, to reduce the surface tension of the solder and improve its spreading over the surface of the parts, to protect against environmental influences. The flux speeds up the tinning of parts and helps them to be covered with solder. This contributes to high-quality and fast soldering.

Types of solder rosin

Rosin is sold both in pure form and as part of various fluxes, sometimes with a rather complex composition. Pure rosin is sold in the form of pieces or sticks. The reader must have seen it.

More complex solutions are liquid fluxes. The simplest flux - SCF (alcohol-rosin flux) is a forty percent solution of rosin in ethyl alcohol. Such a solution is easy to use and has an important advantage: it does not cause corrosion of soldered joints and does not conduct electric current, while fluxes based on, for example, ammonium chloride cannot boast of this.

Flux SKF can be made independently, at home. To do this, you need to take the required amount of alcohol with a strength of at least seventy degrees (can be purchased at a pharmacy, from persons involved in the retail sale of alcohol, found at some enterprise) and the required amount of rosin. The percentage of alcohol and rosin is about 70:30. Rosin must be ground to a crumb state, for example, in a mortar. After that, the alcohol is poured into a container of the required volume, a crumb of rosin is poured into it, then the lid is closed and the mixture is shaken until the rosin is completely dissolved. If necessary, other solvents can be used - gasoline, acetone, ether, etc.

There are more "advanced" versions of this mixture. In particular, propanetriol (aka glycerin) can be used instead of ethanol. Rosin dissolved in glycerin forms something like solder fat, and this composition is convenient in that it can be applied directly to the surface of the parts to be soldered - for example, with a toothpick, as well as increased drying time.

Among the variety of fluxes, solders that already contain flux stand apart. As a rule, such solders are a wire, inside of which there are several channels filled with flux. Such materials are very convenient, and usually no additional fluxes are required for operation. The disadvantage is the rather high price. In addition, they can be quite difficult to get, and then the good old POS-61 is used.

Rosin soldering technique

Soldering rosin is quite simple. In order to solder two parts, they first need to be tinned (if they are not already tinned; many parts are tinned right at the factory). To do this, a heated soldering iron is dipped in rosin. After that, the tip of the soldering iron is covered with solder and the solder is applied to the surfaces to be soldered. Then the parts are set in the desired position and touched with a soldering iron tip coated with solder and rosin. Solder thin film spreads over the surface of the parts and after hardening forms a high-quality connection. In practice, it happens that this does not happen. In this case, the fluxes based on the rosin solution, described above, come to the rescue.

Other fluxes

In general, all soldering fluxes are divided into two main groups: active and neutral.

Active fluxes interact with metal, as they contain substances such as ammonium chloride and zinc chloride. In many cases, they are much more convenient, but they have a big drawback - the seams corrode, and the fluxes themselves conduct electricity. To prevent this from happening, after soldering, the finished board is washed from the remnants of aggressive substances.

Neutral fluxes do not interact directly with the metal, do not conduct current and do not corrode compounds. Rosin belongs to the group of neutral fluxes.

By purpose, fluxes are divided into low-temperature and high-temperature. High-temperature are designed to operate at temperatures above four hundred and fifty degrees Celsius, low-temperature - below this mark. Rosin is a low temperature flux. Sodium tetraborate (borax) can be cited as examples of high-temperature ones. It is designed for soldering with refractory solders.