Features of contextual advertising. What is contextual advertising Benefits of contextual advertising on the Internet

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Hello, Dear friends... Today we will talk about contextual advertising in the form of a review.

From the article you will learn what is contextual advertising, its types, advantages and disadvantages, what is its cost and effectiveness - let's look at real examples.

The material below will help you understand the features of contextual advertising and clearly see how it is placed on the Internet.

1. What is contextual advertising and what is its peculiarity

If you are an active Internet user, then most likely you have seen such ads in search results and on different sites. Increasingly, marketers and entrepreneurs are using it to promote products and services.

2. Types of contextual advertising

2.1. Search advertising

Appears after a person clicks the "find" button by entering their query into the search bar.

For example, « plastic windows in Moscow":

2.2. Thematic advertising

These ads can be either similar in subject matter (close to the context of the page), or different from it.

If it is disabled, then only ads that match its content will be shown on the site.

(The figure shows the correspondence between the site content and the advertisement)

If behavioral targeting is enabled, then the site visitor will see the ads, the topics of which he previously requested in the search engine.

For example, a website about recipes will broadcast camera ads if a person recently searched the web. "Where to buy a camera".

3. Dynamics of the contextual advertising market

Over the past 5 years, this market has grown at a tremendous pace and ranges from 10% to 60% per year. In monetary terms, the account goes to tens of billions of rubles.

Companies that used to spend their advertising budgets on television are moving to the Internet. Banners, SEO articles, teaser ads have become popular customer acquisition tools on the Internet.

But here, too, the alignment of forces has changed towards the use of contextual advertising, and this is due to its obvious advantages, which I will talk about further.

  • I am ndex- Yandex.Direct system
  • G o o g l e- system Google adwords
  • Rambler- Begun system

Google and Yandex are now noticeably ahead of the Begun due to their fame and efficiency.

Possessing a number of features and advantages, contextual advertising today allows thousands of people to conduct their business from anywhere in the world, and work in those markets that are geographically distant from the entrepreneur himself.

For example, you can be located in Novosibirsk and at the same time sell cement in Moscow, while making money based on Moscow prices.

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of contextual advertising

The benefits of its use are obvious both for advertisers and for ordinary Internet users who are looking for goods and services here.

Let's analyze them in more detail.

Benefits of contextual advertising:

  1. Accurate hit on the target visitor. The user himself searches for those goods and services that are shown in ads (this is beneficial for both advertisers and visitors to search engines);
  2. Fast return on advertising. You launch an advertising campaign and get the first applications (sales) within a few hours;
  3. Minimum advertising budget. You can start advertising with a budget of 300 rubles. Contextual advertising can be used both separately, increasing the amount of funds for it, and in combination with other tools (banners, seo articles, teaser ads);
  4. Flexibility in setting up an advertising campaign. The big advantage here is the flexibility to customize your ads based on your budget, geography, time of day and other parameters to achieve maximum effect;
  5. Powerful analytics. After the advertising campaign, you will have all the necessary data on its effectiveness and will be able to “tweak” any settings in order to get better results in the future;
  6. Relevance (correspondence) to the interests of the user. As they say, you wanted to party - here! :) Looking for an iPhone, you will only see ads with iPhones. Are you planning to build a house and want to compare brick prices? No problem! Contextual advertising will help you navigate a huge number of offers on this topic;
  7. Convenient perception format. No pop-ups, annoying sounds or flashing pictures in full screen! Tidy, easy-to-read, concise advertisements - all this makes this type of advertisement both effective and unobtrusive;
  8. Informativeness. Despite its compact size, contextual ads have all the necessary components to convey the necessary information: a picture (pictogram), the main semantic title, an explanation and a link leading to the advertiser's website.

However, they are not so significant compared to the benefits of using it.

Disadvantages of contextual advertising:

  1. Short duration of action. The quick effect of such advertising does not last long, all the time you need to replenish the advertising budget and adjust the settings of the advertising campaign. This is especially noticeable in comparison with SEO-promotion, which allows you to ensure a steady stream of traffic over time;
  2. Risk of budget overruns if configured incorrectly. If you misconfigure your ad campaign, the chances of losing money are very high. For example, if you sell cell phones over the Internet and it takes you 500 rubles to attract one client, and the profit is 2,000 - 3,000 rubles, then this type of advertising is a good investment. But if the cost of a click is unreasonably high due to incorrect settings of the advertising campaign, one client can cost you 3,000 rubles or more, which will eat up all your profits;
  3. Uselessness in some areas of business. PPC advertising is a good online marketing tool, but sometimes even it turns out to be useless. There are niches in the business in which this kind of advertising will not work. These are large grocery chains, oil and gas monopolies, as well as all other areas of business where customers buy goods or services based on recommendations or look for them exclusively offline.

How to take advantage of and combat the disadvantages of PPC advertising

When you have little experience in launching contextual advertising, you do not feel confident, or you just want to try to run a campaign on your own, we suggest using the contextual advertising automation services without fail.

They will help you avoid mistakes in setting up campaigns, eliminate cost overruns and allow you to use the maximum opportunities for this type of attraction. Such services can practically replace professional agency contextual advertising, and for free.

6. What determines the cost of contextual advertising

One of the most important indicators when using contextual advertising is cost per click.

The cost per click is directly affected by:

  1. Niche in which contextual advertising is placed. For example, traditionally expensive and competitive niches are considered: business, finance, medicine, construction. In these themes, the cost of a click can range from 10 to 1,500 rubles ( 25 $ ). Niches with lower competition are: hobbies, entertainment, cheap goods (consumer goods) with an average price per unit of goods from 100 to 1,000 rubles. Please note that contextual ads in a particular niche are displayed by principle of auction... That is, whoever paid more for their ad will promote the search engine to the most clickable (effective places). The cost of contextual advertising in this case consists of the aggregate price for all clicks of your advertising budget;
  2. Method of setting up an advertising campaign. Usually, contextual advertising systems, when creating an advertising campaign, by default offer you to use the strategy "Maximum efficiency"... This means that your ads will appear in the most expensive places in the SERP and appear where the likelihood of clicking on them is the highest. Accordingly, the cost per click will be maximal. This is not always justified, since for the same money you can get a larger number of clicks by simply optimizing the settings of an advertising campaign when creating it. To reduce the cost of a click, you need to know how to properly set up contextual advertising. Then, in any, even the most expensive niche, you can get referrals to your site at the lowest possible price. At the same time, the quality and volume of traffic will be preserved.

In order to find out the cost of a click on different key queries for Yandex, I recommend using the service

This time I want to explain to you all the main advantages of contextual advertising of a website on the Internet. If you are going to conduct advertising campaigns online, then you should appreciate all the advantages of such a source of targeted visitors. In addition, I will tell you in which cases it is worth using contextual advertising, and in which it is not.

When should you use contextual website advertising?

Let's start with the main question: “ When is it necessary to use contextual advertising of a website on the Internet?“I want to say right away that such advertising should not be sprayed on all sorts of nonsense. Remember this main rule once and for all!

In order to have good results from the use of contextual advertising, there must be a really high demand for your product. It is clear that volume and demand are always relative concepts.

But at the same time, there should be demand. Buyers should always know what the product is. Otherwise, you simply will not experience all the benefits of contextual advertising on the Internet.

It turns out that this type of advertising should be used when you want to attract buyers. For example, the product " sofa". People know what a sofa is. Therefore, we can create a contextual ad and attract a person to buy a sofa.

Some informational things are often asked on the Internet. Well, you don't have to buy anything. They ask, for example, "how to wash windows without streaks", "how to cook delicious porridge" and so on. There are a huge number of information requests.

If you have a site on a similar topic and have an article that helps answer such a search query, then you can go to your site.

Now let's discuss when you shouldn't use contextual advertising for your site. I must say right away that it cannot be used to advertise an innovative product. This is usually a product that many people may not be aware of.

It is not clear here what the product offers us and whether there is a steady demand for this product.

Also, this type of advertising does not need to be used to create image (brand) advertising. We have previously discussed a branded advertising campaign, the essence of which is familiarity with a specific brand. When a new company appears on the market, it needs to be actively advertised in order to show itself.

For example, for a user to go to a store, see this ad, and say: “Yes, I've already seen this brand somewhere. This means that I trust him more and will buy something in the future. "

Again, the main goal here is to inform the user about the brand, to obtain new information, remembering this brand and so on. PPC advertising is not worth doing image advertising campaigns, because it is not very effective.

There are other ways to do this, including.

So, to attract buyers and visitors to our website, we use contextual advertising. For an innovative product and for image advertising, we do not use contextual advertising for the site, because it is simply not effective.

I hope you remember that!

Let's take a look at the main advantages of contextual advertising on the Internet. Indeed, contextual advertising is one of the most profitable ways advertising on the network. Let's see why:

  • Cheapness... On many non-competitive and regional topics, there is a fairly low cost of clicks. That is, for a few cents, you can still get visitors to your site. And this is real even in commodity topics!
  • Promptness... No advertising campaign allows you to launch a collection quickly enough potential clients to your website. But with contextual advertising it's different. Everything is done quite simply, while moderation on Yandex Direct is quite fast. IN daytime in literally an hour, you can already set everything up. After that, your ad campaign will be accepted and allowed to be shown.
  • Aiming Accuracy... Indeed, with the help of the selection of the right keywords, as well as, we will be very clearly able to customize the one that we need. We can show our ads only to those who are interested in it. This targeting accuracy also gives a very good result.

  • Predicted result... When we work with any kind of advertising, we do experiments. This is typical of the entire advertising market. We do testing and various experiments, since it is impossible to accurately predict the results. For example, how to predict the results of a TV commercial. It is not clear how people will react to this advertisement, whether they will call and come to the store. It is very difficult to make a forecast. At the same time, using contextual advertising, we will be able to make an accurate forecast of the amount of costs (according to the advertising budget) and the number of visitors who will come to the site. Of course, contextual advertising tools will not give an answer on how much profit we will get. However, we will be able to get a fairly accurate number of clicks and budget (ad spend). All these parameters, for example, are monitored centrally in the Yandex Direct system. There is a large database that shows the average. Yandex Direct has special tool"". Enter a query, for example, "ATV rental". After that, you will see the cost per click and how many clicks per month you will receive, given the keyword and the choice of the region. This will give you a complete forecast. But how many people become clients depends on the site itself. The advertising system has nothing to do with this and, accordingly, will not be able to give any forecast.

Hello beginner internet marketers!

You have seen these ads more than once:

Or such:

And you probably know what it is. Or maybe you don’t know. I suggest - contextual advertising. In short, today in the first lesson, we will figure out what it is, how it works, how to place it and where to start.

Let `s start?

What is contextual advertising?

There is only text with various additions in the form of quick links and a business card.

The second type on partner sites ():

As you can see, blocks with ads are much larger than on search, and allow you to add pictures, which, in turn, are needed to attract the attention of people who are on thematic sites.

For advertisers, to whom I am dedicated, contextual advertising will serve as an excellent tool to increase sales and expand your wallet, if, of course, everything is configured correctly. Do you know why I say so? Contextual advertising is a bow, and you are a shooter (archer), yours is a target, or rather the center of the target (bull's-eye), and if you aim well, you will get exactly to your target audience, which means you will have more sales. If you don't aim, then you know the result.

I would like to clarify one very important point... The bow sight is adjusted with the help of, or rather search queries, your target audience. Also, geographic targeting (the location of your audience) is invaluable in adjusting your crosshair. The better you adjust, the easier it will be for you to hit your target audience. We will discuss how to adjust the sight in the following lessons.

How does contextual advertising work?

PPC advertising doesn't work very hard. Let's say you have a product, for example, an iPhone 6s, and you need to sell a specific batch of smartphones. You have decided that you will use contextual advertising to fulfill the plan, have collected user search queries, among which there is such a request - buy iphone 6s. Launched campaigns.

A representative of your target audience, for example Misha, entered the search query to buy an iphone 6s and saw your ad for the sale of iPhones on super favorable terms and decided to visit your site by clicking on the ad, thereby removing a few rubles from your Yandex.Direct account. Then, Misha buys an iPhone 6s from you and you are happy!

In short, this tool for attracting the target audience to the site works like this: users enter a request - your ad seemed to him. It's as simple as that.

How to place contextual advertising?

In Runet, there are two huge search engines that run everything and everything: Yandex and Google. Each of them has its own contextual advertising system: and, respectively.

Let's talk a little about the features of each system.


As you understand, Yandex.Direct belongs to Yandex. The peculiarity of this system is that setting up campaigns is very simple.

Yandex accounts for almost 80% of all contextual advertising on the Runet, although over time the percentage still decreases, due to the large number of manuals, courses on Google Adwords and a huge number.

Direct appeared in 2001, a little earlier than Google Adwords in Russia.

The main feature of Yandex.Direct is the minimum number of settings, but every year there are more and more of them.

Oooh, this system is the most important trendsetter, like Gucci, I guess. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that you can very finely adjust the advertisement: the number of settings allows it. But for beginners GA is so alien and incomprehensible that it is very difficult to make correct settings, therefore GA is not very popular.

But, if you know all the subtleties of setting up this excellent system, then success awaits you.

Advantages and disadvantages of contextual advertising.

Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of PPC advertising.

Let's start with the shortcomings, since there are not so many of them, only one:

  • You can simply drain the entire budget in a couple of days, or even a couple of hours;

Agree, a significant drawback, but it depends only on you. How to set up, you will get such a result.

But the advantages are much greater:

  • Attracting only the target audience;
  • Pay only for site visitors, that is, for clicks;
  • Control and analytics of advertising campaigns;
  • Small investment to start. For some niches, 300 rubles is enough, this may well be enough for several days;
  • Instant result, almost immediately after the start, but it takes time for greater efficiency;

I repeat, how to set it up, and this will get the result. And I'll teach you how to tune. Subscribe to not miss something important.

Indicators of the effectiveness of contextual advertising.

In conclusion, I would like to talk about performance indicators.

Naturally, the main indicator of efficiency will be profit, but this is in general - after all, this indicator will not give you a complete picture of what is happening. And in order to get this very picture in Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords, there are several key indicators:

  • CTR (,), also called click-through rate, is the percentage of the number of clicks on an ad to the total number of ad impressions. A high score means high attractiveness. The optimal percentage of CTR is from 6% or more for search sites, and 0.5% - 1% for thematic sites
  • Conversion is the percentage of the number of visitors who made a targeted action on the site, for example, a purchase, to the total number of visitors. The optimal conversion rate will be between 1% and 10%, more is rare. This indicator can give you a lot of food for thought, for example, the indicator is too low, let's say 0.5%, then the problem is either in the site or in the keywords that make up your list. I will help us track the conversion or.

This is enough to assess the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns, we will talk more about the indicators in the next lessons.

At the beginning of the lesson, I said that I would tell you where to start setting up contextual advertising, and so: you need to start with the selection of keywords, which we will do in Yandex Direct, and in Google Adwords in.

Well, that's it, I think that's all. I really hope that you understand everything, if not, then ask questions in the comments. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog news so you don't miss something important.

Until next time!

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Do you want me to tell you what your employees are doing right now? Collect reports manually in spreadsheets... How much time are they wasting ignoring automation? It's easy to see the real picture: count the number of man-hours spent on reporting and multiply by the average cost of an employee's working hour.

In this article I will tell you why implement a BI solution for business, what tasks can be solved using automation and what Netpeak got by developing its own BI solution for the contextual advertising department.

Business intelligence(BI) - Methods and tools for translating raw information into meaningful, usable form. This data is used for business analysis. BI technologies process large amounts of unstructured data to find strategic opportunities for business.

How long did the implementation take?

It took about 5 months to implement the project - from setting the task to completion.

What have we been doing all this time?

1. Pre-project preparation.

1.1. Defined the primary and secondary goals for BI implementation.

1.2. We have identified the sources from which the necessary data should be obtained. Google Ads were selected as the primary sources, Google analytics, Yandex.Direct and Facebook. The overwhelming part of the entire advertising budget for the projects of our clients goes to these sites. Also, the source was the internal ERP and a number of Google spreadsheets that employees fill out.

1.3. Based on the goals set, we have identified a list of reports, diagrams and filters necessary to solve business problems.

1.4. We have developed a database architecture that will store the information necessary for visualization.

1.5. We selected the tools for the implementation of the project at minimal financial costs.

2.1. We studied the documentation for working with the API of all the previously selected sources.

2.2. Got access to the API of all the necessary sources.

2.3. We wrote function packages in R for working with the Yandex.Direct API and Facebook :

2.4. We studied the documentation of function packages for working with the Google Analytics and Google Ads APIs, as well as for converting monetary data into one currency.

2.5. We wrote scripts in R to collect and write data from all sources to the database.

2.6. Set up the visualization of all reports and charts.

2.7. Differentiated levels of access to reports for employees.

Now for the details.

How do you define your BI implementation goals?

How do you understand what your business needs, rather than manually collecting and processing data in spreadsheets?


  • how long it takes to manually collect and manipulate data;
  • exactly what tasks you want to solve with BI.

At the time of this writing, Netpeak employs over 30 PPC specialists. Each of them regularly collects and analyzes data on campaigns from different systems... In order for specialists to free up time for data analysis and advertising optimization, we decided to collect all the necessary information “in one tab”.

  1. Monitoring of the main indicators of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns on all advertising platforms and for all projects.
  2. Finding ways to scale advertising campaigns without losing efficiency.
  3. Growing budgets without reducing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
  4. General increase in the effectiveness of advertising campaigns for all projects.

How do you determine which tables and charts are needed to achieve your goals?

It's simple. When you have clearly formulated the goal, understanding what information and in what form you need to receive appears automatically.

After communicating with specialists and department management, we identified a list of reports, charts and key indicators that employees rely on when analyzing advertising campaigns, and management - when assessing the effectiveness of a department consisting of more than 30 people.

As a result, 60 visual elements and a number of filters (for the convenience of working with them) were described.

How to find tools to implement a project at minimal cost?

When choosing tools, it is best to rely on the opinion of a specialist who owns at least several BI platforms and databases, and also knows how to work with large amounts of data.

Another guideline when choosing a BI platform is the annual Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms.

The leaders in the BI industry have not changed for quite a long time. This is Microsoft ( Power BI), Tableau Software (Tableau) and Qlik (QlikView, QlilSense). It is these decisions that are worth paying attention to.

When choosing a BI platform for a specific task, consider:

  • from what sources you need to obtain data for visualization;
  • whether you need online access to reports;
  • what budget do you have.

I have selected the following tools:

  1. Google Sheets- to store reference information on projects, as well as information that employees of the company enter manually on a daily basis. As a rule, these are small tables with a maximum of several hundred rows. This tool is free and ideal for collaborating employees in one document online.
  2. R language- to collect information from the advertising systems API. This tool is also free and designed for fast processing of large amounts of information.
  3. MySQL- DBMS for storing the collected information, which does not need to be changed in any way in the future. We wrote aggregated data to the database, so MySQL performance is more than enough to solve our problem. Approximately 300,000 rows of data are received every month - with a properly configured database and proper indexing of MySQL performance tables, this data set is more than enough to process this data set. Like the previous tools, MySQL is completely free.
  4. Microsoft Power BI- data visualization tool. The available functionality is enough to solve the task. In addition, Power BI for desktops is completely free, and the online version is cheaper than competitors (no need to buy a separate server, all data is stored and processed on Microsoft servers).

The technical implementation should start with a description of the process of collecting, cleaning, aggregating, storing and visualizing data.

  • how often the reports need to be updated;
  • how much data is supposed to be stored;
  • to what volumes the base will grow during the year.

Scheme of work

  1. Every month, all marketers enter data on their projects into the Google spreadsheet. This is how we collect a directory that contains all the information necessary for the scripts to work.
  2. After updating the directory, R scripts are launched that collect information using the API from all advertising platforms, link it, aggregate and write it to the MySQL database.
  3. Over the course of a month, company employees fill out many other documents in Google spreadsheets: with information on project performance evaluations, new and abandoned projects, and so on. All of these documents are linked to Power BI Desktop using the R connector.
  4. Once a month, after collecting all of the information for the past month, with the click of a single refresh button in the Power BI Desktop interface, all reports and charts are refreshed.
  5. The data is published to the Power BI Service for online access by specialists, team leads, and department management.

How do PPC professionals use a BI solution?

To begin with, in Power BI, you can delineate roles. This is how each employee got access to a specific set of data.

Department structure:

DH(Department Head) - management. Employees with this level of access see information on all projects, which helps them control the work of the department and promptly respond to a negative trend in key indicators teams.

TL(Team Leaders) - team leaders. They have access to information on projects of specialists included in their team, but do not see data on projects of other teams.

IM(Internet Marketer) - PPC advertising specialists. They have access to information solely on their own projects and do not see data on projects of other specialists.

We have clearly distinguished access to data. Each employee has access to the information he needs and can make decisions at his own level of responsibility.

In BI reports, you can see general information by KPIs that need to be monitored by the management of the department and teams:

  • the efficiency of the department,
  • different segmentation of projects and specialists
  • dynamics of changes in the number of active projects, and so on.

Let's take a closer look at how specialists use the developed tool when running advertising campaigns.

The first table, which the specialist sees, displays data on the amount of money spent, the number of impressions, clicks, CTR and cost of a click in the context of the project, source and traffic channel.

Deeper analytics of each project begins with this data. A specialist can go to the study of charts showing the volume of lost transactions, income and conversions, and based on these data draw conclusions on a separate project or advertising campaign.

The amount of lost profit is shown in the chart by budget and rating losses.

The specialist immediately sees:

  • projects and advertising campaigns where you can raise the budget without reducing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns;
  • projects and advertising campaigns in which you need to pay attention to the quality score and cost per lead in order to minimize losses due to low ad rankings.

the specialist can also analyze using a special table. For each project and advertising campaign, it provides data on how much money was not enough for the maximum possible coverage and how many transactions were not received in this regard.

The specialist also has access to a graph showing the share of the budget that could potentially be spent without loss of efficiency.

After looking at the listed charts and reports, a specialist can write a letter with recommendations for increasing the budget, as well as immediately indicate the amount of income or the number of transactions and conversions that will be received as a result of the increase in the budget. So the specialist will find out in which projects and for which advertising campaigns it is possible to effectively increase the advertising budget and bring more benefits to clients.

3. Analysis of lost conversions due to rating

The next step is to minimize the lost revenue due to low ad rankings. In this case, there are two ways.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the quality indicator, as this will optimize the transaction cost.

There are six diagrams available to the specialist to work on the quality indicator.

The first two charts show general information about the Quality Score by projects. You can also go to the ad campaign or ad group level.

The diagram on the left breaks down all the keywords in your account into three groups:

  • High (marked in green) - keywords with a high quality score, from 8 to 10 points.
  • Middle (marked in yellow) - keys with an average quality score, from 5 to 7 points.
  • Low (marked in red) - keywords with a quality score below 5 points.

The chart on the right shows the average Quality Score for an account, ad campaign, or ad group.

With the help of these diagrams, a specialist can see problematic accounts, ad campaigns, ad groups, and can immediately determine which keywords need to be optimized.

The following three charts show each Quality Score by account, ad campaign, and ad group.

Each graph shows the ratio of keywords with different grades. Green color indicates the share of keywords with an above average grade, yellow - with an average grade, red - with a below average grade.

In the diagram on the left, you will see the keyword score by ad relevance. For keywords with a low rating, the specialist needs to create ads that contain keywords in the headline or ad text.

Center chart reflects keyword score by the expected value of CTR... This component influences the quality indicator more than others, but it is rather difficult to change its assessment. If the group has a high proportion of ads with a low expected CTR, the specialist needs to make the ads more visible and attractive: check if ad extensions are enabled, and get more creative with the ad texts and titles themselves.

The diagram on the right shows the grade landing page quality... In this case, the specialist should try to change the landing page in the ad to a more relevant one, or recommend the client to rewrite the text of the landing page so that keywords from the ad group appear more often.

After the specialist has worked out the quality indicator and pulled it to the maximum level, the cost per click decreases. Consequently, the number of clicks and transactions is growing within the same budget.

If, after optimizing your Quality Score, you still lose impressions due to low ad rankings, pay attention to the bids you set. So that the marketer can assess whether he can increase bids, we have added a graph showing the cost of a transaction in the context of advertising campaigns.

In each project, the specialist knows the acceptable cost of conversion and can compare this data with how many conversions were lost. If the transaction cost is lower than the permissible value and at the same time there is a loss of income due to a low rating, it is worth raising the rates. In this case, the number of lost auctions will decrease, and the specialist will be able to attract more interested users and, as a result, increase income.

4. Scaling campaigns

The BI solution has added a number of reports on the cost of a click in Google Ads in the context of different topics, as well as countries and cities. Based on this data, the marketer can assess whether it is worth scaling advertising campaigns to specific cities and regions, and do it as efficiently as possible, depending on the capabilities and specifics of the client's business.

At the moment, information about the cost of a click is available:

  • in 188 countries;
  • 25.7 thousand cities;
  • broken down into 27 topics.

A similar report is also available on the cost of a click by topic and country on Facebook.

Demo version of a part of a ready-made solution on a randomly generated data sample

You can view a demo version of the described solution on a test sample of data at this link.


How we implemented BI analytics for the contextual advertising department:

  1. Defined goals, sources and list of reports required to solve business problems.
  2. We have developed a database architecture and selected tools for the implementation of the project.
  3. We got access to the API of all the necessary sources and developed the necessary packages of functions in the R language.
  4. Rendered reports in Power BI.
  5. Delimited access to data depending on the role of the employee.

What is the result?

1. Manual:

  • monitors the implementation of the KPI of the department;
  • receives data for the distribution of projects between specialists, depending on their workload.

2. Marketers based on the received data:

  • estimate the amount of lost income; analyze lost conversions due to rating;
  • optimize advertising campaigns and quickly identify growth zones;
  • scale advertising campaigns by connecting new sources and regions.