Which group of professions does the following characteristic belong to? Types of professions according to the classification of E.A. Klimov. Requirements for employees

A person who sets himself the task of determining what he really wants and will earn, at some point begins to get lost, choosing from the sea of ​​opportunities that very specialization that appeals to him.

Model of the modern world

The model of the modern world is unlike the caste system that existed in India, and the pain of choice is felt especially acutely. The temporary prestige of the profession, the pressure of parents who want their child the life they dreamed of themselves, or simply the wrong idea of ​​the person choosing about the profession and about himself, can confuse and force him to spend his life on a hated job. Anyone who is faced with the eternal dilemma of determining the future specialization, one way or another, has to choose what is closer to him. At this moment, one or another classification of professions becomes relevant. Thanks to the various classification options, it is not difficult to find the right type of activity for yourself.

Types of occupational classifications

Given the variety of professions, the number of which exceeds 20 thousand, the existing classifications consider the most different aspects of the personality, objects or work conditions and combine them with the profession in which they are in demand.

Attempts to classify professions psychologically have been undertaken since the 18th century. VN Tatishchev was a domestic pioneer in this area. Another classification was proposed by S.P. Strumilin at the beginning of the last century, which was based on the degree of human independence in work. For her time, she was very progressive.

The world-famous classification of professions, developed by J. Holland, considers specializations in tandem with personality substructures. He focuses on value orientations, interests of a person, already developed abilities and skills, motives, as well as on his attitude to a certain type of activity. J. Holland created a diagnostic technique that helps to easily identify a number of professions suitable for a given person.

The classification of professions according to Klimov has been popular in Russian psychology for a long time. Professions are divided, depending on the object of labor, into 5 categories, each of which, in turn, is divided into three more subcategories. In addition, Klimov, within the framework of the described scheme, distinguishes several more complex groups of professions, taking into account the means of work and working conditions. The main advantage of this way to classify species human activity is a clear structure, understandable to everyone.

Classification of professions by J. Holland

Holland identified 6 personality types predisposed to a particular type of activity: social, intellectual, conventional, artistic, entrepreneurial and realistic. This psychological classification of professions selects for a person the type of activity that is most consonant with his interests and inclinations.

Holland personality types

The social type of personality is characterized by developed communication skills. They help him to successfully interact with society and can be useful not only to the person himself, but also to those around him. Accordingly, this personality type will fit well into the area of ​​work related to the social environment.

A realistic personality type will feel comfortable in those activities where the main goal is the creation and maintenance of material objects, technological processes or various devices.

The intellectual type, due to the developed intellectual abilities, is suitable for mental work.

Artistic personality type, in view of creativity, predisposed to creative professions.

The entrepreneurial type is characteristic of successful managers who are able to organize not only themselves, but also those around them or subordinates. Has pronounced leadership qualities and is focused on managing people.

The conventional type copes well with activities where traditions or norms of behavior are important, and is suitable for clearly structured work.

S.P.Strumilin's classification

This classification of blue-collar occupations is based on the level of independence of a person in the process of work and consists of five types.

Automatic labor. Basically, these are conveyor works, strictly regulated, which involve the same type of small operations or work according to instructions that do not imply non-standard solutions.

Semi-automatic labor. Works related to this type, are not always performed strictly according to the instructions, but they consist of many similar actions.

Template-executive work. Here Strumilin included all types of machine and manual labor.

Independent work. This is mainly the work of designers, architects or engineers. Self-employed people invent or design.

Free creative work. The latter type of work involves such professions as artist, writer, composer, actor and others.

At the moment, it is no longer relevant, but it is an interesting example of classification that characterizes the types of professions of that time.

Classification by E.A.Klimov

This classification of the choice of profession is multilevel, but nevertheless easy to understand. There are 5 types of professions that are known to everyone from school. The classification of professions according to Klimov provides for the following categories: "man - man", "man - wildlife", "man - sign system", "man - artistic image", "man - technology".

Deciphering the types of professions according to Klimov

"Man - man". This type of profession is relevant for those who are interested in society, team or other people. These professions provide for the service of people, or social groups... These include a salesperson, teacher, journalist, doctor, manager, psychologist.

"Man is a living nature". People who are engaged in this type of profession deal with various living organisms, both plant and animal, as well as biological processes and microorganisms. This includes such types of work as biologist, botanist, veterinarian, dog handler, microbiologist, agronomist.

"Man - Technique". The objects of labor in this case are inanimate, technical objects. People working in this field deal with machines, mechanisms, various materials and types of energy. The list of works related to this type includes a builder, architect, electrician, assembler.

"Man is an artistic image". Professions in this category are classified as creative work and involve visual, musical, literary or acting activities. Works of this type are an artist, actor, ballet dancer, singer, musician, writer, screenwriter, conductor.

"Man is a sign system". This includes professions that are somehow connected with natural or artificial languages, numbers, formulas and symbols, such as a programmer, linguist, translator.

The second tier of classification according to Klimov

All the types of professions considered, Klimov also divided according to the tasks and goals of labor into 3 types.

Gnostic. In this area, most of the experts work, assessing the quality of goods, diagnosing the operation of mechanisms or correcting the finished material. For example: literary critic, editor, grape taster, diagnostician of various techniques.

Transformative are professions whose purpose is to change, repair, improve the quality of a product or a person's life. These include a locksmith, teacher, accountant, livestock breeder.

Exploration - professions with the task of learning or creating something new and unique. This includes researchers, educators, artists, engineers, programmers.

In addition to the object, tasks and goals, the classification of professions takes into account the signs of professions, such as means and labor safety.

E.A. Klimov proposed his own classification of professions, highlighting the classes of typical tasks to be solved:

    "man is a living nature",

    "man is a technique",

    "man - man",

    "man is a sign system",

    "man is an artistic image".

Further, in accordance with the characteristics of the main goals of professional activity, professions and specialties are divided into classes: gnostic (recognize, define), transform (process, serve) and exploration (invent, invent). Knowing the place of professions in the above classification and the basic requirements for representatives of a certain type of professional activity, you can correctly and timely identify your professional interests and tendencies:

Type of profession by subject of labor.

Gnostic (recognize, define).

Converting (process, serve).

Discovery (invent, invent).

Man is nature.



Man is a technique.

Adjuster of CNC machines.

Driver, locksmith.

Inventor, Engineer.

Man is a sign system.


Archivist, librarian.


Man is an artistic image.

Literary critic.

Artist, designer.

Man - man.


Teacher, doctor.


All these tasks have their own requirements for professionalism. The level of professionalism can be judged by the degree of correspondence of the individual characteristics of the personality and activities of a professional with the requirements imposed on him by the profession.

  • Klimov E.A., Developing person in the world of professions, Obninsk, 1993

Psychological types of professions / By E.A. Klimov /

All professions can be attributed to one type or another, depending on the subject of labor (what the employee is dealing with), means of labor (whether he uses machines or hand tools), etc. Taking into account the proposed typology, each profession can be brought into correspondence with a certain code, or profile - that is, to what type and by what criterion it belongs. And then make up for yourself the "ideal formula of the profession" preferred object of labor, means. And thus to understand which profession suits you and which does not.

Basic classification of professions

Any profession for EACH of the grounds (line) can be attributed to one of the types or to several. The lines indicate the grounds for classification - and the corresponding types of professions.

Subject of Labor

NS riroda

T equipment

H man

Z nak

NS graceful image

Working conditions

B household

On the O in the open air ...

H unusual

C increased M oral responsibility

Labor tools

R scientists

M ashins

BUT automated

F functional

Labor goals

G nostical

NS transforming

AND prospecting

In the professions of this, the world is seen, seen by the employee and worries him primarily from the point of order, development, study, consideration and counting of its various components. The universe is seen as a laboratory for the study of processes that cannot be reproduced in terrestrial conditions. Nature is something that has been verified for centuries optimal sizes items. A tree is a cylinder, the diameter of which decreases with height, and the interlacing of roots is a reliable foundation that provides such stability that not even every hurricane will knock it down. It's nice that the diameter of the virus is already known. The surface of the planets is studied using photography. Seas, deserts - where you can navigate with the help of astronomy. Here are typical ideas, attitudes to the world, and thought patterns.

Professionals distinguish and keep in mind the integrity of this kind: to be aware of all the events of our time; one of the first to learn about the achievements of human thought; system of documentary and information support for the management of complex objects; printed sources; digital material; quality control of printed products; creating a draft document, following strict rules; the subject of the publishing house; foreign alphabets; construction of mathematical and chemical formulas; administrative-territorial division of the country; route routes of mail cars; names and locations of enterprises, names of numerous streets, lanes, squares; the legislation of the country.

Civilization, culture, the history of mankind - this is, first of all, writing, postal and other information communication up to the modern "entanglement" of the entire globe with information networks; formulation of legal norms. Countries and continents are the places where the first radio signals were received or where a certain amount of printed matter is produced, where specialists in scientific and technical information work.

International relations are, first of all, information and technical relations (delivery of a letter to any corner of the world, telephone communications, the ability to search for useful information abroad, etc.).

The conditions for human existence and development are an increase in the amount of information produced in the geometric profession; books (namely "book circulation"), newspapers and magazines (not by themselves, but by a large number of their titles as a good achievement), the number (hundreds) of languages ​​in which printed materials are published in the country, social transformations (as something creating conditions for the development of the language of communication), drawings (as a factor in accelerating progress), etc.

The activity of mankind, people is the automation of communication, document production; ensuring legality and law and order (by documentary means); improvement of measurements, systems of units of measurement of quantities; improving the means of fixing facts (such as, for example, photography, filming), information support of the life of society.

Typical examples of integrity, allocated by professionals of this type in the world: document flows, data, format, pen-tape, recording, imprint, editing, corrections, fields, catalog, list, bulletin, typeset or unfinished page, bibliographic search, document execution control in the institution, the competence of the departments of the institution, the routes of correspondence, the essence of the audible text, logical consistency or correctness of the text, white space in the typed text, word hyphenation, the accuracy of reproduction of tables in the typed text, automation of decoding of radiograms, projects administrative and information and reference documents, safety of documents, data on the width of characters in the text, etc.

Representatives of professions of this type know how to orient themselves well, understand symbols, linguistic systems (natural and artificial), documents, and texts. They create and process texts, documents, tables, formulas, lists, catalogs of any objects, drawings, maps.

For example, a clerk or accountant must take into account many documents, monitor their passage, correctly (i.e. in accordance with accepted - and usually strict - rules) store and forward them to the right people. A scientific and technical information engineer must find and view a large number of publications on a specific topic, compressing the content contained in them. useful information in enough short review... Based on such a review, technology developers, designers can decide whether they need to refer to some of the named publications and to which ones. The programmer, rethinking the task received from the customer, generates a system of commands to the computer, which can lead to the solution of this task.

Modern civilization is saturated with symbolic information. The executive-motor side of a person's activity in this area is usually very curtailed and does not impress much: well, he presses the buttons, well, "strikes" something on pieces of paper, sometimes throws it into the basket, looks into the void, etc. The most important and difficult the component of the work here refers to the field of cognitive activity, gnostic actions. For example, a proof-reader of a typography collates, verifies the imprint of the set with the publisher's original. It can be a voluminous volume, an invitation card, or a page of a math or music magazine. A radio operator on a ship or on a geological expedition, receiving encrypted information, catches the rhythm of the transmission, recognizes the handwriting of the transmitter, and this helps to isolate the useful signal from the inevitable noise. The draftsman-cartographer is mentally transferred to the area that the map fixes; he takes into account the many rules and information on the basis of which a topographic map is born, for example, a large forestry enterprise.

The professional is well versed in the scientific picture of the world. A good command of written speech, impeccable literacy, knowledge of the main foreign alphabets, knowledge of many systems of rules (in one case - the rules of printing execution of publications, in the other - the rules for accounting and control of business documents, in the third - the rules building a programming language for a PC, etc.).

It is not bad if a person is characterized by fast and accurate, coordinated movements of the fingers. This is important for working on keyboard machines - typesetting, calculating. A clear and beautiful handwriting is desirable (with all the technical progress for a bibliographer, this is important quality: he has to write a lot, quickly and without errors, strictly observing the accepted abbreviations).

An employee in the field of certain information technologies (busy with issues of recognition, transformation, generation of information expressed in signs, symbols) needs thoughtfulness and systematicity, a good focus on the sign material, the ability to perceive and keep in memory verbal and logical information of large volumes. Analyticism and criticality are important in the perception of sign material. A proofreader, for example, perceives not only each word on a typographic print, but each letter separately. In memory, you have to store numerous instructions, rules, provisions. Here we are not talking about the fact that a person thinks there are many boring for someone there are no “separates”, he needs to keep in mind the coherent, systemically organized and well-ordered blocks in the head (“ligaments”, “gestalts”) images of memory (this is “about paperwork”, this is “about the rules of keeping affairs”, etc.). Without a good, tenacious memory for verbal and logical material, work in this area is unthinkable.

Emotional stability, a sense of the word, context are required. Scrupulousness, accuracy, systematicity in work are important, a special - respectful - attitude to the adopted rules (it is clear that in order to respectfully treat the rules, you need to keep them well, reliably in mind - as if these are things in your hands ; this is an important ability). Usually, representatives of the professions of the type under consideration are reading lovers, disinterestedly inclined to mentally juxtaposing facts, ideas, searching for something still unclear, unknown, crossword solvers. The external monotony of the work of such a person not only does not frighten, but even attracts.

The peculiarities of creativity (creativity) of this type of profession are that resourcefulness, ingenuity, disinterested intellectual initiative manifested in work, although they do not have signs of maturity, are constantly present and required in work. Creative tasks arise when the situation is non-standard, unique. And such situations are constantly encountered in work: here is the seemingly completely uncreative work of a sorter of mailings and printed materials; in fact, this work every now and then delivers surprises - the same name or similar in name settlements(Sosnovka, etc.) is available in different regions of the country. And the senders of pi-sem sometimes also under-describe the words or write “on the bells” (from hearing and contrary to the written form of the word - “Yalchik” can turn into “Nalchik”, and “Vyatskiye Polyany” - into “Yasnaya Polyana”). But the attitude to the postal item is the attitude to the person, and a conscientious sorter finds the optimal solution for this kind of "puzzles". As far as the work of a programmer or an economist-mathematician is concerned, creative inclusions hardly need explanation here.

The peculiarities of self-regulation of representatives of this type of professions are that their ability to work with concentration in conditions of external disturbances, from which it is impossible to completely get rid of, is very important. Here, such qualities as the ability to control the course and correctness of one's mental actions are important; perseverance, perseverance, patience. It is important to follow the accepted rules of action very strictly. Mental performance is important. Physically, this work is most often not hard.

List of professions related to this type:

  • Database administrator
  • Analyst
  • Auditor
  • Web integrator
  • Webmaster
  • Banker
  • Broker
  • Accountant
  • Commissioning Editor
  • Cashier
  • Content manager
  • Copywriter
  • Corrector
  • Marketer
  • Stock broker
  • Communications installer
  • Tax inspector

: typology of E.A. Klimova, classifying professions by and typology of Holland's professions, linking the type of personality and the type of professional environment chosen by a person.

Typology of professions E.A. Klimova

Klimov identified five objects of labor: , technique, sign, nature... In the first part of the name of the type of profession, the subject of labor is indicated, which is always a person.

Man - man- all professions related to education, service, training of people, communication with them. This group includes all pedagogical and medical professions, service professions and others.

Man is a technique- all professions related to the creation, maintenance and operation of equipment. These are such professions as: design engineer, car mechanic, system administrator and others.

Man is an artistic image- all professions related to the creation, copying, reproduction and study of artistic images. This group includes such professions as: artist, actor, singer, restorer, art critic and others.

Man is nature- all professions related to the study, conservation and transformation of nature. This group includes such professions as: veterinarian, gardener, agronomist, ecologist and others.

Man is a sign- all professions associated with the creation and use of sign systems (digital, alphabetic, musical notation). This group includes translators of literary and technical texts, analysts, financiers and others.

The peculiarity of the application of this classification in our time is that simple professions with one object of labor are becoming a thing of the past and professions with several objects of labor, or with a complex object of labor, come to replace them. For example, the profession of a landscape designer is both a human-nature type and a human-artistic image type.

J.L. Holland's typology of professions

Holland proceeded in his classification from the fact that a person's choice of professional space is an expression of his personality... A person's achievements in a particular type of career depend on the correspondence of personality characteristics and characteristics of the professional environment.

He singled out six personality types and six types of professional environment.


Personality type

Professional environment type


People who are action-oriented, decision-making, unemotional, athletic or mechanical, love technology, take risks

Activities related to the manipulation of tools, technology. And also most of the "male" professions.


Cognitive-oriented people who love to observe, analyze, investigate, solve.

Research work. Experts in various fields, analysts.


People focused on self-expression and attention of others, creative, expressive, original, inclined to non-conformism, have a rich intuition and imagination, are informal.

The sphere of art, professions related to attracting attention, presentation of something.


People focused on communication, on relationships with other people, vulnerable, sensitive, prone to altruism, do not like systematic activity, like the collective nature of work, have communication skills.

Most of the professions aimed at working with people are social activities.


People who are ambitious, influence-oriented, to create and implement own ideas, management, search for solutions, high social activity.

Business, politics, lawyer services, etc.


People focused on the systematization and reproduction of information, data manipulation. They are a little emotional, accurate, punctual, pedantic, and executive.

Work on the systematization of storage and reproduction of any information. Work that requires a lot of perseverance and precision. Work in areas such as accounting, finance, archives, libraries, etc.

There are certain patterns of combination of personality type and type of environment.

Personality type

Medium type







  • "+" - favorable
  • "++" - very favorable
  • "-" - not favorable
  • "- -" - very unfavorable

2.9 Classification of occupations

The most famous system of classification of professions is the system of E.A. Klimov. In it, all the variety of professions is consistently divided into types, classes, departments and groups. Let us dwell briefly on this approach to the taxonomy of professions.

Types of professions ( on the subject of labor).

1. "Man - man"(H).

The main subject of labor is people and groups of people. Examples of professions: waiter, salesman, doctor, psychologist, trainer, investigator.

2. "Man - technical systems» (T).

The main subject of labor is technical systems, material objects, materials, energy. Examples of professions: - turner, bricklayer, locksmith, driver, architect, engineer.

3. "Man - nature"(NS).

The main subject of labor is living organisms and biological processes. Examples of professions: botanist, zoologist, livestock technician, beekeeper, ichthyologist, agronomist.

4. "Man is a sign"(H)

The main subject of labor is conventional signs, numbers, codes, codes, formulas, languages. Examples of professions: programmer, proofreader, philologist, mathematician.

5. "Man is an artistic image"(NS)

The main subject of labor is artistic images. Examples of professions: poet, sculptor, conductor, artist, designer.

Profession classes

(by labor operations or labor goals)

According to the approach of E.A. Klimov, in accordance with the prevailing labor operations, all professions are divided into three classes:

1. Gnostic(recognizing) specialties (Gn),

2. Transformative specialties (Pr),

3. Prospecting(creative) specialties (I).

Let us show how the classes of professions correlate with the types of professions (Table 2.7).











Human - Technique

Quality Department employee

Locksmith, driver, assembler.

Constructor, inventor.

Human - Human


Teacher, nurse, doctor, salesperson.

Psychologist, entrepreneur.

Man - Nature

Receiver of agricultural products

Field grower, veterinarian.


Man - Sign


Programmer, accountant, encryptor

Theoretical physicist

Man is an Artistic Image.

Painting inspector

Jeweler, painter, decorator.

Composer, writer, sculptor.

Departments of professions

(by means of labor)

1. Manual labor(P) - manual (simple and weakly mechanized) tools.

Examples of professions: jeweler, assembly fitter, auto mechanic, surgeon, pianist.

2. Mechanized labor(M) - manually operated mechanical equipment.

Examples of professions: chauffeur, turner, seamstress.

3.Automated labor(A) - automated equipment for providing long-term or continuous technological processes.

Examples of professions: steelmaker, brewer, boiler operator, nuclear power plant operator.

4. Functional tools(F). The main means of labor are the functional means of the body.

Examples of professions: teacher, singer, actor, theoretical scientist, dancer.

Profession groups (according to working conditions)

1. Household microclimate(indoor work) (B).

Examples of professions: accountant, teacher, manager.

2. Outdoor work(O)

Examples of professions: - shepherd, field breeder, postman, huntsman, soldier.

3. Small confined spaces, cabins(TO).

Examples of professions: driver, crane operator, cashier of an exchange office.

4. Unusual working conditions(H)

Examples of professions: diver, miner, mine rescuer, steelmaker, astronaut, stuntman.

According to this classification, you can create formulas for a particular profession. For example, the formula for the profession of an accountant will be - Z: Pr: R: B.

Psychologist - H: Pr: F: B

Turner - T: Pr: M: B

Locksmith - T: R: R: B

Stalevar - T: Pr: A: N

Artist - X: Tv: R: B

Investigator - H: Gn: F: B