Современные изобретения в нашей жизни. Изобретения в жизни человека Изобретать – это так просто! это так сложно

Слайд 1

Образовательный центр «Нива»
Изобретения и великие открытия Некоммерческое Партнерство “Техникум экономики и предпринимательства”
Научно-практическая конференция “10 топов,которые перевернули мир”

Слайд 2

Образовательный центр «Нива»
Для изобретения нужно хорошее воображение и куча хлама. Томас Алва Эдисон

Слайд 3

Образовательный центр «Нива»
Сравните изобретения человечества с ранних времен…
Ранний палеолит 2,6 млн лет назад: Обработка камня в Африке 2-1,5 млн лет назад: Начало освоения огня 800-400 тыс. лет назад: Топор в виде колуна в Кении 790 тыс. лет назад: Homo erectus или Homo ergaster научились добывать огонь в Африке 400 тыс. лет назад: Краска в Замбии 400 тыс. лет назад: Копьё в Европе 164 тыс. лет назад: Каменный нож в Африке 100 тыс. лет назад: Пошив одежды

Слайд 4

Образовательный центр «Нива»
Изобретения 2000-го года
2000-е 2001: Передача запаха через интернет 2002: Искусственная сетчатка глаза. 2003: Интерфейс для мысленного управления объектами (без вживления электродов) 2004: Нейтронный микроскоп 2004: Бионический глаз 2005: Робот, создающий свои копии (репликатор) 2006: Самовосстанавливающиеся краски и покрытия 2008: Мемристор 2009: Передача мысли в Интернет: университет Висконсина 2009: Первый биологический 3D-принтер

Слайд 5

Образовательный центр «Нива»
А можем ли мы изобрести что-то сами???
Вы знаете, что мы едим пищу, которую выращивают другие люди. Мы носим одежду, которую сшили другие люди. Мы говорим на языках, которые были придуманы другими людьми. Мы используем математику, но ее тоже развивали другие люди… Я думаю, мы все постоянно пользуемся изобретениями других.

Слайд 6

Образовательный центр «Нива»
Мировой прорыв совершило изобретение колеса
Известно, что первые колеса были сделаны в Месопотамии (современный Ирак) в 8500 - 8000 годах до нашей эры.

Слайд 7

Образовательный центр «Нива»
Они были двух видов: гончарный круг и колесо для телеги. Гончарный круг был предком наших шкивов, водяных колес, шестерен часового механизма.

Слайд 8

Образовательный центр «Нива»

Слайд 9

Образовательный центр «Нива»
Новое в металлургии.
Водяное колесо позволило изменить технологию выплавки металла появились домны. Для поддержания в них высокой температуру применялись меха. Чугун и сталь стали качест-веннее, их производство увеличилось. В качестве топлива использовали и каменный и древесный уголь.
Кузница с водяным двигателем. Гравюра 16 в.

Слайд 10

Образовательный центр «Нива»
Колесо является одним из основных составляющих частей автомобиля и оказывает большое влияние на такие эксплуатационные свойства автомобиля, как устойчивость, безопасность, комфортабельность, экономичность, управляемость.

Слайд 11

Образовательный центр «Нива»

Слайд 12

Образовательный центр «Нива»
Развитие мореплавания и кораблестроения
Для ориентирования в открытом море стали применяться компас и астролябии. При помощи компаса двигались в нужном направлении. Астролябия помогала определить местонахождение корабля по положению солнца, или звезд.
Навигационные приборы.15 век.

Слайд 13

Образовательный центр «Нива»

Слайд 14

Образовательный центр «Нива»
Цель презентации
Цель нашей презентации познакомить учащихся 7-8 классов с великими изобретениями 19 века

Слайд 15

Образовательный центр «Нива»
19 век, как известно, вошел в историю как век научно-технического прогресса. Научные открытия и основанные на их практическом применении технические достижения 19 в. позволили человечеству достичь небывало высокого, принципиально нового уровня развития по сравнению со всеми предыдущими периодами истории.

Слайд 16

Образовательный центр «Нива»

Слайд 17

Образовательный центр «Нива»
Новое в металлургии.
Первым автоматическим устройством стали механические часы. В них использовалась сжатая пружина и движение осуществлялось при помощи гирь. Основным новшеством в часах были зубчатые колеса. На их основе появились другие устройства-вороты, домкраты, насосы и т.д.

Слайд 18

Образовательный центр «Нива»

Слайд 19

Образовательный центр «Нива»

Слайд 20

Образовательный центр «Нива»
1826 год Введение гребного винта на паровых судах
Чешский изобретатель Иосиф Рессель разработал и предложил новый судоходный движитель – гребной винт.

Слайд 21

Образовательный центр «Нива»
1834 год Паровоз Черепановых
Русские изобретатели, крепостные заводчиков Демидовых, отец и сын Черепановы создали первый в России паровоз и железную дорогу длиной 3,5 км.

Слайд 22

Образовательный центр «Нива»

Слайд 23

Образовательный центр «Нива»
1838 год электромоторная лодка Якоби
Русский физик и электротехник Б.С. Якоби изобрел электродвигатель и опробовал его для привода судна.

Слайд 24

Образовательный центр «Нива»
1837-1838 года телеграфный аппарат Морзе
Американский изобретатель Сэмюель Морзе изобрел телеграфный аппарат для передачи и приема сообщений знаками кода Морзе (азбука Морзе). Азбука Морзе используется до сих пор.

Слайд 25

Образовательный центр «Нива»

Слайд 26

Образовательный центр «Нива»
1839 год Фотография
Французский изобретатель Ньепс нашел способ закрепления изображения, получаемого в камере-обскура. Далее Дагер разработал первый пригодный способ фотографии – дагеротипию. В 1840-е гг., когда в результате усовершенствований фотографического метода удалось получать с негатива любое количество отпечатков на светочувствительной бумаге, начался период широкого применения фотографии.

Слайд 27

Образовательный центр «Нива»
1852 год Дирижабль
Первый полет на построенном им дирижабле совершил французский конструктор Анри Жиффар. Дирижабли использовались вплоть до сер. 20 в. Для перевозки грузов, а также для научных и военных целей.

Слайд 28

Образовательный центр «Нива»
1861 год Велосипед с педалями
В 1861 году француз Пьер Мишо установил педали на переднем колесе велосипеда и начал массовое производство велосипедов: из его мастерской вышло 162 велосипеда в 1862 году и более 400 в 1863. Начиная с этого времени велосипед превращается из экзотической игрушки в повседневное средство транспорта.

1 слайд

Изобретения в жизни человека Работу выполнил Гафаров Артём ученик 4 Б класса МБОУ г.Мурманска гимназия № 2 Научные руководители: Пахтусова Елена Ильинична Сиротина Светлана Валентиновна Милина Елена Алексеевна

2 слайд

3 слайд

Что же стремительно меняет жизнь людей? 1. Развитие науки, научные открытия изменяют представления людей о мире и о возможностях человека. 2. Научные открытия позволяют умным людям находить наиболее интересное решение некоторых практических проблем. Такие решения называются изобретениями.

4 слайд

проанализировать материалы семейного архива; познакомиться с толкованием новых понятий; систематизировать полученные знания. Цель моей работы: показать на примере моей семьи, какую роль играли изобретения в России в прошлом и настоящем, кто и как работает с изобретателями. Задачи:

5 слайд

В советское время людей, которые изобретали, называли рационализаторами. Их идеи изучали в бюро рациональных предложений.

6 слайд

Мой двоюродный дедушка со стороны папы – Саттаров Агзам Гафарович – долгие годы возглавлял бюро рациональных предложений в одном из райцентров Башкирии. Саттаров Агзам Гафарович

7 слайд

Дедушка со стороны мамы – Атнабаев Камиль Ахмедович – служил в молодые годы на полуострове Рыбачий и остался в Мурманске. Этот город он очень сильно любил и делал всё для того, чтобы людям здесь работалось лучше. Атнабаев Камиль Ахмедович

8 слайд

Дедушка изобретал очень много полезных вещей. Об этом свидетельствуют Удостоверения, которые он получил за свои рацпредложения.

9 слайд

С 1966 по 1984 год Атнабаев Камиль Ахмедович был инженером-конструктором в конструкторском бюро Севрыбхолодфлота. За это время дедушка подал больше 100 рацпредложений. Дедушка с коллегами на работе.

10 слайд

11 слайд

В современной России изобретения проходят тщательную проверку в специальных патентных бюро. После этого автору выдается патент на изобретение.

12 слайд

Семейную традицию изобретать продолжила моя мама – Альбина Камильевна. Она придумала специальные школьные пособия, которые помогают лучше изучать геометрию. С этой идеей она обратилась в патентное бюро в Мурманске. Там ей помогли идею правильно оформить.

13 слайд

Очень скоро маме пришёл Патент на изобретение. Этот документ является доказательством того, что мамино изобретение – это новое слово в обучении школьников геометрии.

Technological progress has merely provided

us with two more efficient means for going


(Aldous Huxley, English author)

Men are only as good as their technical

development allows them to be.

(George Orwell)

Microwave oven

Vacuum cleaner

Sewing machine


Washing machine

DVD player radio cassette player

camcorder laptop

MP3 player digital camera

Walkman video mobile phone

PDA (personal digital assistant) CD player

Are you keen on technology?

What kinds of high tech gadgets do you own?

What do you use them for?

Ban mobile phones in schools!

Do you agree?

What reasons can you think of it?

Can you think of any opposing viewpoints?

.........., although allowing mobiles in schools can be beneficial to a certain extent, it seems to me that they are an unnecessary distraction, especially in class.

........... there are possible risks to the safety and general welfare of students if they are allowed to bring their mobiles to school. There have been quite a few cases, for instance, of students being attacked and robbed of their phones on their way to and from school. In addition, the classroom should not be used as a place to show off possessions.

.......... they can be a serious distraction in classrooms. It is impossible for teachers and students to focus on classwork if there are constant interruptions from mobile phones ringing. Moreover, students cannot listen to the teacher and concentrate fully on their work if they are sending text messages or playing games.

For several years now, schools have debated whether or not pupils should be allowed to bring their mobile phones to school. I personally believe that it is better for students to leave them at home.

............ however, there are times when it can be useful for students to have mobiles at school. For example, some parents prefer their children to have their phones with them so that they contact each other during the day in case of an emergency.

One machine can do the work of fifty

ordinary men. No machine can do the

work of one extraordinary man.

(Elbert Hubbard)

The motto of the lesson

Necessity is the mother of the inventions”

Experience is the mother of wisdom”

Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 April 7, 1947) was

the American founder of the Ford Motor Company

and father of modern assembly lines used in mass

production. His introduction of the Model T automobile

revolutionized transportation and American industry. He

was a prolific inventor and was awarded 161 U.S. patents.

As owner of the Ford Company he became one of the richest

and best-known people in the world. He is credited

with "Fordism", that is, the mass production of large

numbers of inexpensive automobiles using the assembly line,

coupled with high wages for his workers. Ford had a global

vision, with consumerism as the key to peace. Ford did not

Believe in accountants; he amassed one of the world"s largest

fortunes without ever having his company audited under

his administration. Henry Ford"s intense commitment

to lowering costs resulted in many technical and business

innovations, including a franchise system that put a dealership

in every city in North America, and in major cities on six


Ten Great Inventors and their Inventions

Valdemar Poulsen (November 23, 1869, in Copenhagen

July 23, 1942) was a Danish engineer. He developed

a magnetic wire recorder in 1899. The magnetic recording

was demonstrated in principle as early as 1898 by

Valdemar Poulsen in his Telegraphone. Magnetic wire

recording, and its successor, magnetic tape recording,

involve the use of a magnetizable medium which moves

past a recording head. An electrical signal, which is

analogous to the sound that is to be recorded, is fed

to the recording head, inducing a pattern of magnetization

similar to the signal. A playback head (which may be

the same as the recording head) can then pick up

the changes in the magnetic field from the tape and

convert them into an electrical signal. Poulsen obtained

a Telegraphone Patent in 1898, and with his assistant,

Peder O. Pedersen, later developed other magnetic

recorders that recorded on steel wire, tape, or disks.

Ten Great Inventors and their Inventions

was an eminent scientist, inventor and innovator who is widely

credited with the invention of the telephone. His father,

grandfather and brother had all been associated with work

on elocution and speech, and both his mother and wife were deaf,

profoundly influencing Bell"s life"s work. His research on hearing

and speech further led him to experiment with hearing devices

that eventually culminated in Bell being awarded the first U.S.

patent for the invention of the telephone in 1876. In reflection,

Bell considered his most famous invention an intrusion on his real

work as a scientist and refused to have a telephone in his study.

Upon Bell"s death, all telephones throughout the United States

"stilled their ringing for a silent minute in tribute to the man

whose yearning to communicate made them possible. Many other

inventions marked Bell"s later life including groundbreaking work

in hydrofoils and aeronautics. In 1888, Alexander Graham Bell

became one of the founding members of the National Geographic


Ten Great Inventors and their Inventions

The Wright brothers , Orville (August 19, 1871

January 30, 1948) and Wilbur (April 16, 1867

May 30, 1912), were two Americans who are generally

credited with inventing and building the world"s first

successful airplane and making the first controlled, powered

1903. In the two years afterward, the brothers developed

their flying machine into the first practical fixed-wing aircraft.

Although not the first to build and fly experimental aircraft,

the Wright brothers were the first to invent aircraft controls

that made fixed wing flight possible. The brothers" fundamental

breakthrough was their invention of "three axis-control", which

enabled the pilot to steer the aircraft effectively and to maintain

its equilibrium. This method became standard and remains standard

on fixed wing aircraft of all kinds. From the beginning of their

aeronautical work, the Wright brothers focused on unlocking the

secrets of control to conquer "the flying problem", rather than

developing more powerful engines as some other experimenters did.

Their careful wind tunnel tests produced better aeronautical data

than any before, enabling them to design and build wings and propellers

more effective than any before. Their U.S. patent 821,393 claims the

invention of a system of aerodynamic control that manipulates a flying

machine"s surfaces.

Ten Great Inventors and their Inventions

John Logie Baird (August 13, 1888 June 14, 1946)

was a Scottish engineer and inventor of the world"s first

working television system. Although Baird"s electromechanical

system was eventually displaced by purely electronic systems

(such as those of Vladimir Zworykin and Philo Farnsworth),

his early successes demonstrating working television

broadcasts and his colour and cinema television work earn

him a prominent place in television"s invention. Baird was

born in Helensburgh, Argyll, Scotland. He was educated at

Larchfield Academy (now part of Lomond School),

Helensburgh; the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical

College (which later became the University of Strathclyde);

and the University of Glasgow. His degree course was

interrupted by World War I and he never returned

to graduate.

Ten Great Inventors and their Inventions

Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov (often transliterated as Sergei Korolev ,

(January 12 1907, Zhy tomyr January 14, 1966,

Moscow), was the head Soviet rocket engineer and designer during

the Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union

in the 1950s and 1960s. He invented the R-7 rocket. Although trained

as an aircraft designer, Korolyov"s greatest strengths proved to be in

design integration, organization and strategic planning. A victim

of Stalin"s 1938 Great Purge, he was imprisoned for almost six

years, including some months in a Siberian gulag. Following his release,

he became a rocket designer and a key figure in the development of

the Soviet ICBM program. He was then appointed to lead the Soviet

space program, given a rank of Academician (Member of Soviet Academy

of Sciences), overseeing the early successes of the Sputnik and Vostok

projects. By the time he died unexpectedly in 1966, his plans to compete

with the United States to be the first nation to land a man on the Moon

had begun to be implemented. Before his death he was often referred

to only as "Chief Designer", because his name and his pivotal role in the

Soviet space program had been held to be a state secret by the

Politburo. Only many years later he was publicly acknowledged as the

lead man behind Soviet success in space.

Ten Great Inventors and their Inventions

Michael Faraday , FRS (22 September 1791 25 August 1867)

was an English chemist and physicist (or natural philosopher,

in the terminology of the time) who contributed to the fields

of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. Faraday studied

the magnetic field around a conductor carrying a DC electric

current, and established the basis for the magnetic field

concept in physics. He discovered electromagnetic induction,

diamagnetism, and laws of electrolysis. He established that

magnetism could affect rays of light and that there was an

underlying relationship between the two phenomena. His

inventions of electromagnetic rotary devices formed the

foundation of electric motor technology, and it was largely

due to his efforts that electricity became viable for use in


Ten Great Inventors and their Inventions

Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 October 18, 1931)

was an American inventor and businessman who developed many

devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including

the phonograph and the long-lasting, practical electric light bulb.

Dubbed "The Wizard of Menlo Park" by a newspaper reporter, he was

one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production

and large teamwork to the process of invention, and therefore is often

credited with the creation of the first industrial research laboratory.

Edison is considered one of the most prolific inventors in history,

holding 1,093 U.S. patents in his name, as well as many patents

in the United Kingdom, France and Germany. He is credited with

numerous inventions that contributed to mass communication and,

in particular, telecommunications. His advanced work in these fields

was an outgrowth of his early career as a telegraph operator.

Edison originated the concept and implementation of electric-power

generation and distribution to homes, businesses, and factories –

a crucial development in the modern industrialized world. His first

power plant was on Manhattan Island, New York.

Ten Great Inventors and their Inventions

mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, theologian

and one of the most influential men in human history. His Philosophi e

Naturalis Principia Mathematica, published in 1687, is considered to

be the most influential book in the history of science. In this work,

Newton described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion,

laying the groundwork for classical mechanics, which dominated the

scientific view of the physical universe for the next three centuries

and is the basis for modern engineering. Newton showed that the

motions of objects on Earth and of celestial bodies are governed by

the same set of natural laws by demonstrating the consistency between

Kepler"s laws of planetary motion and his theory of gravitation, thus

removing the last doubts about heliocentrism and advancing

the scientific revolution.

Ten Great Inventors and their Inventions

  • Sanremo, Italy, 10 December 1896) was a Swedish chemist,
  • engineer, innovator, armaments manufacturer and the inventor
  • of dynamite. He owned Bofors, a major armaments manufacturer,
  • which he had redirected from its previous role as an iron and steel
  • mill. In his last will, he used his enormous fortune to institute
  • the Nobel Prizes. The synthetic element nobelium was named after
  • him. Nobel found that when nitroglycerin was incorporated in
  • an absorbent inert substance like kieselguhr (diatomaceous earth)
  • it became safer and more convenient to handle, and this mixture
  • he patented in 1867 as dynamite. Nobel demonstrated his explosive
  • for the first time that year, at a quarry in Redhill, Surrey, England.
  • Nobel later on combined nitroglycerin with another explosive,
  • gun-cotton, and obtained a transparent, jelly-like substance,
  • which was a more powerful explosive than dynamite. Gelignite,
  • or blasting gelatin as it was branded, was patented in 1876, and
  • was followed by a host of similar combinations, modified by the
  • addition of potassium nitrate and various other substances.

John Logie Baird

… didn’t he?

… , wasn’t he?

Television in Our Life

The first commercial television broadcast was made on April 20, 1939 by Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Since 1939, it has become one of the most important facts of modern life. Television is very much a part of the modern world. Its effects are felt all over the world.

Television is a reflection of modern world, say some people. It shows contemporary society. It affects customs and culture, others way. Television is bad for culture because it keeps culture from growing, say still others.

Good or bad, television is difficult to avoid. Its pictures enter homes, stores, airports and factories. It is here to stay!

  • The first commercial television broadcast was made on April 20, 1939 by Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Since 1939, it has become one of the most important facts of modern life. Television is very much a part of the modern world. Its effects are felt all over the world. Television is a reflection of modern world, say some people. It shows contemporary society. It affects customs and culture, others way. Television is bad for culture because it keeps culture from growing, say still others. Good or bad, television is difficult to avoid. Its pictures enter homes, stores, airports and factories. It is here to stay!

  • 1). 1,2,3
  • 2). 1-corporation, 2-facts, 3-world, 4-reflection, 5-society, 6-culture
  • 3). 1c, 2b, 3a, 4c

Advantages and Disadvantages of Television

  • Television is one of the greatest achievements of the 20 th century. It is the most popular part of mass media. Television is the easiest and the cheapest source of information. It is an advantage.
  • One of the positive features about TV is that it educates us. There are programs devoted to specialized subjects such as life of animals or plants, science, politics and many others. Watching such programs we learn a lot of useful and interesting information.
  • TV gives us opportunity to travel around the world without getting up from the sofa. We can learn about life of people in different countries, their customs and traditions and we don’t pay for it.
  • There are very exciting, funny and humorous programs, concerts full of wonderful music and songs especially on holidays. So, television entertains us and we like it because it makes us forget our everyday problems.
  • One of the disadvantages is that television sometimes substitutes our nearest and dearest. It prevents us from communicating with our friends and relatives.
  • Today you can see many films on TV which are filled with cruel and violent scenes that is very bad especially for children and teenagers.
  • Watching TV too much may be dangerous for your eyesight. It is a disadvantage.