Encyclopedia of Marketing. What is private label in trade? Production of stm foodstuffs

Almost all retail chains consider the production of goods under their own brands () one of the most important strategic tasks. What should an entrepreneur who has set out to establish cooperation in the field of contract production of any goods for his retail network do? There are several options at once, and we'll talk about them in this article.

Retailers interested in creating their own brand usually choose one of two options. The first (more laborious) is the independent creation of a brand, product, establishment of a promotion and sales system, and so on. The second (simpler) one is to start cooperation with a private label manufacturer, which has a number of advantages - a transparent income model and guarantees from the network, which promise a stable income.

The release of goods under private label often becomes the most profitable vector of development for manufacturers, since it provides guaranteed volumes of products, jointly with the network for purchasing components, guarantees of the buyout of residues. In addition, the manufacturer does not need to create a sales department and develop distribution channels.

The most common problem that retail chain owners face when they want to hire a manufacturer of products under a contract is actually finding a manufacturer. So, what are the ways to find production from a Russian entrepreneur?

  • Contact the industry organization, which will provide all the necessary data on entrepreneurs in a particular industry and region.

    For example, if an entrepreneur plans to replenish the shelves of his stores with dairy products, then it makes sense to contact the National Union of Milk Producers.

  • Visit the annual exhibition "IPLS Own Trademark" and acquire the necessary contacts and acquaintances.

Private label or Private label- Own Trademark of the company, which, as a rule, operates in the retail segment and has an established sales network. The production of private label products is outsourced to a third party manufacturing company, allowing the owner of the private label to focus on marketing and sales. It is customary to think that private labels are the lot of large retail chains. But this is far from the case. The main condition when a private label is economically justified is the presence of a well-functioning retail distribution network, its own customer base (wholesale or retail is not so important), capable of selling the minimum contractual lot.

The minimum contractual batch of cosmetic products is 100 kg of cream formulations, 300 kg of foaming products

The further development of your brand depends entirely on your chosen promotion strategy. As an example, starting to work with private labels and placing an order at our production, you have the opportunity to set a lower price for these products or set it at the level of competitors, laying the financial basis for the formation of an advertising budget. Then, in the first case, you are able to implement the strategy of low prices and supplement your product range with your own line of inexpensive products. And in the second - to engage in full-fledged creation of a brand that meets your visions and expectations.

For 12 years, our company has been developing and manufacturing products under its own trademarks and within the framework of contract manufacturing. 2 research laboratories, highly qualified personnel with many years of experience allow you to implement your ideas and be a reliable partner in the production of private label products within the framework of contract manufacturing. Contract manufacturing in our company involves, in addition to direct manufacturing services, also, if necessary, preliminary development of recipes, recommendations and selection of packaging, certification, assistance in marketing campaigns (copacking, 2 in 1, etc.).

What are the benefits of a private label customer?

1. More income

Most of the profits of suppliers of goods become your profit. And the more significant part of your private label products in the sales volume, the greater this effect.

2. Growth of the company's status in the eyes of customers

A company that owns its own brand significantly increases its credibility with customers and consumers.

3. You invest only in yourself and in your development

By promoting your own brand, you are developing your business, not someone else's.

4. Your production and your products without investment in production

You receive products under your own trademark and are freed from serious and expensive investments in equipment, production facilities, personnel

5. Pen test

You would like to start your own production, but you are not sure about the result. Get started quickly and easily with us! We are your launching pad, which is ready to start implementing your production plans in 2 months.

When private labeling is inappropriate:

  • Sales of goods below the minimum contract volumes
  • You are ready to immediately develop your own production (invest in equipment, maintenance of premises, personnel, etc.), have pre-orders and therefore are confident in the success of this direction.

What is needed to launch a private label

Contact us. It's easy in cooperation with our company. Entrust us with production and concentrate your efforts on selling and promoting your brand.

Your own brand is your brand, your additional income and your status!


In connection with the constantly increasing demand for products under its own trade marks, the producer of SibHolod products is ready to offer the production of ice cream under the brands of partners in the desired recipe and at an acceptable price category.

For many years, the close-knit team of professionals of our company, with their daily work, has guaranteed our partners the highest quality products. The SibHolod company actively implements and implements an innovative system in everything: quality, tastes, production. The European level of safety is confirmed by the international food safety certificate ISO 22000.

We are always open to our partners! We live by the principles of reliability, trust and decency!

A high level of product quality is ensured through the organization of a high-tech production process, optimal logistics, the use of selected raw materials and materials, a team of highly qualified personnel.

We offer:

Individual approach to partners;
- Assistance in the development of assortment, recipes, design and purchase of packaging;
- Quality control of manufactured products at all stages of the technological process.

You can offer:

- Its original concept and product recipe;
- Create your own unique packaging design.

Developing this direction, Sibkholod has been cooperating with large trading and manufacturing companies for a long time.

We are ready to produce for you:

Eskimo (from classics to complex flavoring solutions);

Fruit ice (from the simplest to unique technological solutions);

Bulk ice cream or ice cream in multi-portion packaging (trays, buckets);

Cakes - ice cream of any flavor;

Products for the HoReCa segment (from cocktail options to gourmet restaurant desserts).

For mutually beneficial cooperation, SibHolod Company is ready to offer our partners the following types of frozen semi-finished products:

- Pelmeni on a stamping machine of different caliber (3gr, 5gr, 10gr);
- Handmade dumplings (5gr, 12gr, 22gr);
- Dumplings with various fillings (12gr, 22gr);
- Manty and khinkali (manual and automatic sculpting);
- Products of the cutlet group (cutlets, meatballs, hedgehogs, meatballs);
- Chicken semi-finished products (dumplings and cutlets).

We produce meat and meat-containing semi-finished products, which makes it possible to provide a large price range for all products.

We are ready to provide you with the specified products with a total tonnage of up to 120 tons per month with the prospect of increasing this volume to 200 tons per month (with a mandatory requirement of at least 50% of the specified volume, there must be stamped dumplings).

Products can be provided both in weight and in packaged form in various types of packaging (three-seam full-color bag, bag with a flap on the eyelets, bag with a label, backing in a film, etc.).

The price of a product depends on many factors: product category, recipe, delivery volume, delivery distance, grace period, additional marketing costs and payments, and other conditions.

We ask you to list in the preliminary application the requirements for your products, as well as the frequency, size and range of supplies, and we will be able to select the most suitable recipes and products for you.

We are ready for long-term partnership, are always open to communication and take into account all the wishes of our partners in our work. And the main reward for us is the loyalty of end consumers and the demand for our products in the market.

Cosmetic company "Floresan" has been manufacturing cosmetics for skin and hair care for 15 years, offering both private label production and contract manufacturing of cosmetics. We have in stock innovative production equipment, bulk laboratories, highly qualified personnel. Thanks to this, our company is a reliable partner in the production of private labels and contract manufacturing.
- This is the placement of your order for the purpose of manufacturing products on the premises of the manufacturer, who has the resources, in order to implement the contract. The idea for this term appeared at the time when private trade marks began to emerge. Private label (own trade mark) - products manufactured for sale exclusively in retail outlets.

What is included in the contract manufacturing of cosmetics and private label production?

Performance communication includes manufacturing services for our products: pre-formulation before and after fabrication. The PDA for partners is aimed at the formation of their own brands, as well as at the functionality of the enterprise. The development cycle means the latest recipes, manufacturing of prefabricated products, packing, pasting with labels and packaging containers.
The laboratory of our company has great scientific capabilities, a decent technical base and highly qualified workers with many years of experience. Within its walls is carried out:

  • Formulation development of any cosmetic products aimed at dermis and hair care.
  • Preparation of a complete package of documentation required for the implementation and release of goods.
  • Ensuring quality control of the manufactured product.
  • A selection of an organization that supplies goods or services to customers.

Our goal is to translate your idea into a newest product! Floresan LLC is a guarantee that you will receive quality cosmetics and preparations produced on your behalf and under your trademark.

Manufacturers who work with retail are divided into three groups. Those who produce only private label chains. Those who will never produce private labels and those who hesitate ... We will talk about whether it is worth producing private labels for those who have not yet decided.

A manufacturer of canned vegetables contacted me. He regularly tries to start working with large retailers. First I wanted to enter with my brands. Did not work. Didn't go through economics, etc. After that, he decided to "go the other way" - to enter with his own brands of networks. And the result is the same !!!

After doing a little diagnostics, I found out that:

- the production is quite fresh, but due to the small volume of sales, the cost of goods produced is high

- commercial offers for the introduction of products and the release of private labels differed insignificantly ... Conventionally, if one said "ready to consider the release of products under your brands", in the other there was no such postscript.

- offers of the same type were sent to all networks. And in the same, where the manufacturer tried to enter with its brands.

CONCLUSION: The idea of ​​logging into the network was doomed to fail!

In the near future I have plans training in writing a commercial proposal and a master class on writing a proposal for the release of a private label, as well astraining and master class on negotiations . I will try to combine these programs in one case.

1. You had to figure out your goals. I would put the following:

- increasing the competitiveness of the main product line due to the release of private labels, additional production load and cost reduction

- obtaining favorable conditions from suppliers of raw materials and packaging due to an increase in production volumes and, as a result, purchases

- earnings on private labels

- logging into the network using STM as a locomotive

After a little discussion, we decided that all goals are important. But we will searchtwo types of partners : for working exclusively with private labels and those where we will enter with the main line, using private labels as a locomotive.

Therefore: in the first chains we offer a TOP assortment, in the second - an assortment that will not overlap with our TOP brands.

2. In order for the network to accept the offer, it is necessary to convince the buyer to accept the offer of cooperation.This is already from the field of negotiations. To write a killer commercial proposal, you need to understand:

- whether the employee is engaged in the release of private labels on his own initiative or simply fulfills his duties.

In the first case, you need to find out what is important for him: income growth, experiment or self-realization.

In the second case: what is required of him? What will be evidence of completion of the task? What is important for him: to get a result or to close a position with minimal effort.

How to find out? To study the requests of the network, the website, stores, a set of private labels, for which of the brands (verified or new) the request is being made.

After that, you just need to network and write a wonderful commercial proposal, which will be accepted immediately and without complications.


And, of course, you need to pass a production audit and produce an excellent product in sufficient quantities. But that's a completely different story ...